Page 50 of Love by Design

“At least two weeks.”

* * *

Dakota was quiet. It was not the longest time they had spent apart, but suddenly everything was different. They weren’t just friends anymore. They were an unspoken couple…at least she thought they were. Just friends did not make your blood boil with desire, or lose yourself in the way they smiled at you. And they certainly did not make you want to throw your clothes, and caution, to the wind. By that definition, Logan had not been just her friend since she was seventeen.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but it’s making me want to toss you over my shoulder and take you back to my cave.”

“I was just thinking how far we’ve come in such a short amount of time.”

Logan stopped walking and turned to face her. “We haven’t really talked about it yet, Koty, but you and I…I see us as dating now, and I wanted to make sure you felt the same.”

Dakota touched his cheek. “I do.”

“In that case, I think we should seal our new arrangement with a dip in my pool. Clothing is very optional,” he added with a huge grin.

* * *

When Dakota went home that night, it was with a newfound appreciation for patience. She wanted to make love with Logan, she really did, but part of her was not ready to take that step yet. Saying no when her body wanted to say yes was hard enough, but Logan was making it more difficult by always complimenting her and touching her. He made her want to drop-kick good intentions right out the window.

When he left a few days later, it was with a heavy heart that she said goodbye.

Dakota attempted to fill the void by doing what she excelled at, focusing on the job at hand. The new Belle Cove was coming into her own, and Dakota could not have been more proud. If all went well, everything would be complete by the New Year, and it would be onto the next one.

“Miss Dakota, you got a delivery,” Miranda called from the door.

Dakota glanced up. “Thanks, Miranda.”

She wondered what had arrived. She hoped it was the new benches she’d ordered for the relaxation area in the garden.

She grabbed her notebook and headed to the reception area. When she got there, she found what looked to be a bouquet of flowers for every hard surface in the room. There was also a small package for her.

She went outside on the porch and sat in a rocker to open up her gift.

There was a note inside that said, I saw this and thought of you. Enjoy the flowers. There’s a bouquet for every time I saw your smile in my mind.

She opened the box to see a necklace with two emerald turtles. She slipped it around her neck, fingering the two figures. “Oh, Logan.” It was such a thoughtful gift, it brought tears to her eyes.

He always thought of her, and what made her happy. She felt cherished when she thought of how attentive Logan was—and safe.

* * *

Logan hung up his cell phone. The packages for Dakota had been delivered. In his mind, he could see her wide, surprised smile as she opened the jewelry case. The urge to shower her with gifts and more was strong. He wanted to give her his heart, and the world right along with it, but he doubted she would be comfortable accepting either at the moment. Hopefully in the near future, Dakota would learn to trust in his love—and her own.

“Are you going to eat that food, or is it going to eat itself?”

Logan looked up to see his aunt Jeannie hovering over him. “Since when have I not eaten anything you’ve put in front of me?”

She sat down at the kitchen table. “Good point.”

“Did she get the gifts?”

“Yes, she did. She’ll probably be calling soon to thank me.”

“So how are things going with Dakota?”

“Couldn’t be better,” he replied. “We’re still taking things slow.”

“Well, slow is better than nothing,” she said excitedly, a smile breaking over her face. “I thought it would never happen.”

Chapter 14

“I’m telling you right now, nothing else you own is fitting into this dress.”

“Good thing that’s it for my lady lumps.” Susan gasped as Dakota zipped up her formfitting cocktail dress. “Have you got it zipped?”

“Yes. You won’t be able to breathe for the rest of the night, and you may pass out from lack of oxygen, but you’ll look really good.”

“I told myself if I lost those ten holiday pounds, that I’d treat myself to a new, very expensive, very sexy dress.”

Dakota massaged the zipper indentations on her fingers. “Two sizes too small?”

“It’s not two,” Susan said defensively.

“Uh-huh. You know there’s a women’s boutique on-site, right?”