Page 3 of Glory

That was for the best. Even if the thought of that blowjob was going to make his balls ache formonths.

With a sigh, Wyatt opened the stall door and stepped out, making his way back out into the main bar area. The Swan hadn't changed much in his short absence; the same pool game was still in progress, the hustler's target now beginning to look alarmed at his losses, and the jukebox continued to belt out old rock tunes that clashed with the neon lights above.

Wyatt's heart still pounded in his chest as he slid back onto a stool at the bar, signaling for another whiskey to help quell the fire that still burned within him. The bartender — Jonas — slid a fresh drink across the countertop, eyebrow quirked in silent question. Wyatt tossed him a glare that clearly said 'mind your own damn business' before downing half the glass in one go. The amber liquid burned its way down his throat, but it did little to extinguish the embers that still smoldered within him.

He couldn't help but cast discreet glances around the room. Any one of these people could have been responsible for reducing him to a quivering mess minutes ago...

Was it the guy by the jukebox? The bear by the door? The twink smoking out the front, barely visible through the grimy window? It could have been any of them.

It didn't matter. Wyatt sighed heavily, running a hand through his short-cropped hair as he tried to regain some semblance of control. He downed the rest of his drink and got to his feet.

The encounter in the bathroom had been exactly what he needed, but it was time to get back to business. He couldn't afford to waste any more time when he had more jobs to arrange.

Slipping on his leather jacket, he tugged it up around his broad shoulders and made his way towards the exit. The cool night air hit him like a slap in the face as he stepped outside, clearing some of the fog from his mind.

He'd had his fun. Now, it was time for someone to die.

Chapter two

Zachwokeupinhis dingy apartment, the fading sunlight filtering through the grimy windows. He groaned and rolled over, blinking blearily at the empty beer cans and dirty clothes scattered around his room.

His head pounded from last night's binge drinking, his mouth dry and foul. But the physical discomfort barely registered through the heavy fog of depression that clung to him like a damp blanket.

He was alone. So fucking alone.

It wasn't that he didn't have people in his life. He had his trashy friends that he got high and did graffiti with. He could always pull a hookup for quick, emotionless sex. But at the end of the day, when the high faded and the orgasm was over, the loneliness always came creeping back in.

No one really knew him. No one cared. He was just another punk kid with an attitude, a warm mouth, and a nice ass. Good for a laugh, good for a lay, but not good for much else.

Zach sighed, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. He briefly considered opening Grindr and looking for an early morning hookup, but he knew it was pointless. They'd fuck like animals, and then the guy would leave and Zach would be alone again. It'd just be postponing the inevitable.

Besides, it wasn't likely they'd be hung like the guy last night.Woof.Zach hadn't even seen the guy's face, but he'd set the bar high. It made his mouth water just to remember it.

His second alarm went off, dragging him back to reality. With a grunt, Zach hauled himself out of bed. He shuffled to the bathroom and showered, catching a glimpse of himself in the cracked mirror. Dark hair, pale skin, bags under his eyes that seemed to grow darker each day. A body that was still young and fit, but increasingly felt like a prison.

He turned away, unable to bear looking at himself. Time to start another empty day. But first…

Zach found what he was looking for. He took a long hit from the joint, holding the acrid smoke in his lungs before exhaling slowly. The weed worked its magic, a relaxing heaviness settling into his limbs, the dark thoughts receding from his mind. He leaned back on the sagging couch, the world around him going soft at the edges.

This was better. This was manageable. As long as he could stay a little bit numb, he could face another day.

The joint eventually burned down to a nub. With a sigh, Zach hauled himself to his feet. Time for another day spent earning minimum wage to deliver bad pizza to lazy assholes.

He didn't bother changing out of his ripped jeans and faded band shirt. He just ran a hand through his hair, splashed some water on his face, and grabbed his keys. As he left his apartment building, the sunlight hit his eyes, harsh and bright. He squinted, shuffling to his beat up car.

The inside of the car smelled like old pizza and weed. Zach didn't care. He turned the key in the ignition, music blasting from the speakers as the engine sputtered to life. He peeled out onto the street, heading for Joey's Pizza.

Just get through the day. That's all he had to do. Then he could go out tonight, and smoke, drink, and lose himself in anonymous sex. Anything to avoid being alone with his thoughts. The joint still buzzed pleasantly through his system. For now, the darkness was at bay.

Zach rolled into the parking lot of Joey's Pizza a good twenty minutes late for his shift. He cringed slightly as he pulled open the back door of the shop, knowing Hal would be on his ass the moment he walked in.

Sure enough, the bell above the door had barely jangled before Hal's gruff voice rang out. "Nice of you to finally join us, Zach."

Zach resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he signed the timesheet by the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah, sorry I'm late."

"You're always late!" Hal complained, arms crossed over his Joey's Pizza polo shirt. "One of these days I'm going to get fed up and fire your lazy ass."

"Uh huh," Zach muttered. "Hey, Chuck."