Heather knew where the cameras were.
“How could you?” My voice breaks. Feelings batter me so hard and fast I can’t recognize them.
Except one.
I let go of Jayk’s hand. Unthinking, I stride forward. I scoop up the gun from the grass where I tossed it down. My prettyrage, the need to hurt like I hurt, it bubbles in me like my poisoned cauldron. It’s overflowing, unreasonable.
But I amdone.
She might as well have lit Bristlebrook on fire herself—right alongside our friendship.
Some shocked shouts start up, but my eyes are too blurred with tears to see them. I only see Heather, watching me, still and silent as I clumsily lift the gun. Even as I pull the trigger, I’m not sure if I want her to die or just bleed the way I’m bleeding right now.
I wait for the satisfying shock to crack out of my weapon... but nothing happens.
There’s no scream of pain. No deserved vengeance squeezes from the cold, hard metal in my fist.
No apology.
“Get her to stop or I’ll put a goddamned arrow in her,” someone snaps.
With a choked, frustrated sob, I press the trigger again, andnothing.
“Safety’s on,” Jayk calls lazily. “Swipe the lever. It’s over the?—”
“Shut up, Jayk,” Dom snaps, striding toward me.
I throw down the gun before he can reach me, and I grab Heather by her torn, filthy shirt. Right now, I don’t even care that she got a good portion of those tears saving my life.
“You told them about the cameras,” I spit in her face, my voice rough with fury. “Youblindedus. Bristlebrook was your fault. You killed them. You could have killed all of them.”
Heather doesn’t push me off, doesn’t fight at all. Her gray eyes are pained. “I did so much worse than that.”
“What could beworse?” I shove her. Then shove her again, harder. I want to hurt her. Betrayal hits low, in places I wasn’t ready tobehit.
I never thought Madison?—
No. Madison was my friend.
Heatheris a liar, a traitor, a... asneak!
“Enough,” Dom barks. His hand wraps around my bicep as he tugs me backwards.
“Get off me.” I flash a glare as I shake him off. “This is between us.”
“There’s nopoint, Eden,” he says, impatiently. Then he adds in a stern undertone, “And there are a lot of people with very sharp weapons aimed at you right now. Back. Down.”
My fists curl in Heather’s shirt. My demon wantsblood. The need for it is overwhelming. Like a thirst in the most arid of deserts, desperate to be slaked.
Shedid this. Myfrienddid this.
Lucky. Jasper. Beau.
“They trusted you.” The words hurt coming out. I release her shirt and shove her. “Itrusted you.”
She stumbles back, breaking my gaze.
Dom goes to take my arm again, and I throw up my hands, needing a second. Needing tobreathe.