Sister. I drag my eyes up from the page.
No. She’s just a little bug, and she’s latched on to me. “You’re not going.”
I try to shake her off, but she just glowers at me.
“You’re not going by yourself, asshole. It could be dangerous.”
“Don’t call me an asshole, you little shit. It’s rude.” I glare at her.
Kasey rubs her nose slowly with her middle finger, and I scowl. It’s kind of... sweet. The pipsqueak means it, too.
The paper crumples in my hand, and I look back down at it, my chest squeezing. Ryan’s face grins up at me.
“Are you going?” Ethel asks, and the bells on her top ring out. “Is there a problem?”
Bells. For fuck’s sake. If an enemy did make it to Bristlebrook, she’d be their first target. Might as well wear a neon hat that just says “KILL ME.”
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, either. I was caught with my pants around my ankles in my own barn when the Sinners came for us, and it took every one of us not to die that day.
“I’m staying.” I yank out of Kasey’s grip without a word and stalk back down the hall to return my gun.
Eden was right about one thing. Family is worth dying for.
They’re also worth sacrificing for.
I would sacrifice every one of those jackasses to keep her safe, because they are not my family—she is.Shefought for me.Shehelped me.
She loves me.
They’vebeen ignoring me and taking me for granted and thinking the worst of me for years. They can go rot for all I care.
So if Eden wants to fight? She’ll get her fight. But every last one of the others better be ready to throw themselves on a fucking frag before she gets so much as a scratch, or I’ll rip them apart myself.
Because I’ve had enough.
Eden started me wondering if I could ever be worth more than my shitty past. The civilians have me thinking that maybe Iamworth more. They trust me. Respect me. I help them out, and I actually get some god damned gratitude.
I’m the one who solves their problems. Pipes, and cameras, and...
A wild thought hits me. Risky. But it’s worth a shot.
I change direction, taking the stairs up toward Jasper’s study. At the top, I stop and look down at Ida and Ethel, who are watching me like I’ve lost half my brain.
I lean over the balcony. “There’s no problem, okay? I have an idea.”
Kasey crosses her arms, looking at me warily, like I might try to bail on her again and she needs to guard the door like a bull terrier.
“You coming or not, kid?” I ask, and her scowl melts away. She hurries up the stairs behind me.
This is it. Time for a change. I’m done with the servants’ quarters. I’m done with them stealing away my girl. I’m done with all of them. It’s time for a new pecking order, and I’m stepping up.
My decision is made.
They made me the king of the castle.