Page 57 of Entangled

“Of course.” I hesitate. “Eden, I wanted to?—”

She cuts me off.

“You— Well, thank you for helping me.” Polite reserve steals over her features again as she turns to face me more fully. And it’s only now, after seeing her intemperance with Jaykob, that I realize just how much she has been holding herself in check around me.

The thought doesn’t sit well.

She clears her throat, avoiding my gaze, and shoves her hand out in front of her. “I truly am glad that you’re well.”

Stiffening, I stare at her outstretched palm. She might as well have slapped me with it. Jaykob doesn’t bother to suppress his scoff of laughter, and my lips pinch together.

She throws herself at this savage and offers me... this.

Distance. Civility. I shouldn’t be surprised at how it cuts.

It’s my move, after all.

And no more than I have earned from her.

Smoothing my features, I wrap her hand tenderly in both of mine. Her bones are delicate, fragile as a bird’s inside my own.

“And you, Eden,” I murmur.

My fingertips brush over the sensitive skin at her wrist, and she shivers before she snatches her hand back.

I watch color bloom in her cheeks as she says hastily, “We should find the others.”

As if summoned, there’s a short whistle, then the spiteful ghoul pokes between the trees.

“Come on, babe. My people have a spot not too far from here.” Heather glances between Jaykob and me with a smirk. “You can even bring your little sidekicks.”

She leaves fast—infuriatingly, before I can find the words that would hamstring her on her way out. I’d forgotten that habit of hers.

I truly loathe the feeling of being left spluttering.

“You should have shot her,” Jaykob mutters to Eden.

My lips quirk at that. “You tried to shoot her?”

Jaykob exchanges a rare look with me. “Safety was on.”

“Ah. Shame.”

Eden sighs. “I probably shouldn’t have.”

“I wouldn’t fret.” I gesture after the draconic wretch. The path of sulfur and brimstone should be easy enough to follow. “We’ve all imagined it.”

Unfortunately, dragons are not so easy to kill.



Survival tip #50

For some wounds, there’s medicine.

For everything else, there’s drunken bubble baths with friends.