Jayk stalks back over to his discarded gun.
“Ten? Twenty? Something like that.” Arthur shrugs quickly, brow crinkled.
Jayk mutters, picking up his gun and checking it as we all get ready to leave. “Real effective watch you kept on them.”
I shake my head as I sling my gun.
Because, really, it doesn’t matter. Ten. Fifty. With extra hands or without. One way or another, they’re all dead.
And Eden is coming home.
Survival tip #89
Don’t follow the herd.
Herds are born to be slaughtered.
As I stir the pot over the low fire, I can’t help but feel like a witch over an unhallowed brew. The rabbit soup is thin and watery, but I’ve infused it with enough flavor that its scent curls through the woods. Madison sits beside the pot, thankfully not calling too much attention to herself. She’s been on her best behavior since the incident yesterday where our fates were tied together. And, after last night, we haven’t left one another’s side.
Despite my fears of her drawing too much attention, I’m starting to wonder if having her untied and next to me might be a blessing in disguise. In any case, it feels better to have the support. Ever since I arrived in this camp, it’s felt like a thousand eyes have been watching me—from the camp... and from the shadows between the trees.
It’s hard to banish the sneaking, seductive voice that tells me it’s my brutes.
But if it is, it’s from another life.
My cauldron steams and froths, and despite the bare ingredients, men keep shooting glances our way as they pack up the camp. Like the witches from those dark tales, my hair is a wild mess of dirt and twigs... and I’m full of thrumming, suffocating hate.
Sam is supervising the camp pack-up, deep frown lines knotting his brows. Alastair is looking more alert today, and there’s color in his cheeks, but the litter of branches and blankets they’ve tied together hardly looks comfortable. It won’t take much to undo his healing.
I’m not at all sure he’ll make it far.
After the argument yesterday, Sam’s side finally won out. The Sinners are to travel back to their Den.
Our time is almost up.
Sam glances back at Madison and me, and I look away meekly.
I can’t see Mateo anywhere, and that makes me nervous. He’s the only one missing, as far as I can tell, and I need him here for this too. Whatever conflicted feelings I had over him and Alastair died when he dragged me back to camp yesterday.
It’s no matter that Madison and I likely wouldn’t have made it far. And it doesn’t matter that he didn’t snitch on us for our escape attempt.
He brought usback.
There is no longer any doubt in my mind whose side he is on—it’s not ours.
“They’re distracted,” Madison mutters from the ground.
I glance around under my lashes but see no one in earshot. Akira gives me a small wave, and I give her an equally small smile back. Behind her, I see a Sinner stare at the pot... and then at me. Hunger is raw in his eyes.
As I answer, nervous adrenaline skates up and down my spine.
“They’re still watching us,” I murmur in reply to Madison.