‘Rafe and I assumed most of our childhoods that we were each the one being punished—me by being sent away, he by remaining. Life is rarely what one thinks. In any case he came to hate the idea of Egypt so whatever brought him here must be serious. If he is in trouble, I must find him.’

His hand was still on hers, warm and large and rough against her skin. The gesture and the admission were both so unlike Edge she did not know what to do. She thought of her brothers—she would cross deserts for them and not think twice.

‘I’m glad you care for him so much, Edge.’

He took his hand away and went to the door.

‘I owe him a great deal. More than I can repay. I must speak with Poppy now.’

Chapter Two

Jephteh pointed to the darkness below the cliff, his fingers biting into Gabriel’s shoulder. ‘Mortals are prodigiously foolish, boy. You will die the moment you strike those rocks, yet you waste your precious last moments wondering what lies in those shadows.’

—Captives of the Hidden City,

Desert Boy Book Four

Bahariya wasn’t quite what Sam had expected. Once they’d passed the rippling tan and gold sand dunes, what met her gaze was not an encampment of tents, but a sprawling town of mudbrick structures tucked between date groves.

At least they were finally there, she thought with relief, because every last inch of her ached and she had to consciously stop herself from licking her lips because they dried so quickly in the desert breeze it felt like they might crack open like overripe fruit.

Her body felt like it had taken a beating but her pride was faring the worst.

Edge must be almost as out of practice at riding a camel as she, but he sat as gracefully on the dusty cloth saddle as Daoud and Youssef while she felt her joints might need re-attaching.

She tried to rub her leg without being obvious and Edge glanced at her briefly, but as usual she could not tell what he was thinking, or if he was thinking at all. It was like riding beside a living statue. She wished she could draw him just as he was—with the protective cotton scarf and his skin darkened by the sun he looked like he belonged here.

At least until he looked at you with those deep-water eyes. They’d always reminded her of moonlight reflecting off a lake, leaving you wondering if it was merely inches deep and full of nothing more than muck and algae or a crevasse stretching miles into the earth and filled with fantastical creatures like the Lake of Sorrow in the third Desert Boy book.

She wondered if Edge had ever come across the Desert Boy books, or if Poppy and Janet ever told him she was the illustrator of the novels that had become one the most successful novels in England. It was part of this silly descent into childish impulses since his arrival that she wanted him to know. He would probably not be impressed and he definitely wouldn’t understand how important the Desert Boy books were for her. She hardly dared admit it to herself. Other than Lucas and Chase, who were already fading away from her into their marriages, the books were the one firm anchor in her life. Which was ludicrous considering she didn’t even know who wrote them.

A trickle of perspiration ran down her cheek and she brushed at it, grateful for the faint coolness it brought with it. Out here in the emptiness of the desert everything felt insubstantial. Perhaps she could just keep on riding, aching joints and all, and never have to make a decision about her future.

‘Almost there.’ Edge guided his camel closer to hers and she scowled at his commiserating smile.

‘That sounds suspiciously like “I told you so, Sam”.’

‘I never strike an opponent when they’re down. You look like one nudge would topple you from that poor camel.’

‘Trust you to pity the camel, Edge.’

His smile widened, but his attention was drawn away by the crowd gathering as they entered the town. They were mostly women and children in plain cotton robes, eyes wide with curiosity. They stopped near a well between the buildings and Sam gathered her resolution to dismount, but before she could move Edge was beside her, holding out his hand.

‘It’s been years since you’ve ridden a camel let alone for so many hours, Sam. You’ll need help.’

He’d unwound his headscarf and his face and hair were dust-streaked, his temples and cheeks marked by dark rivulets of perspiration. She could only imagine what she looked like, she thought with a rush of embarrassment. But even unkempt and dusty he looked unfairly handsome. No, even more handsome than usual. He looked raw and unvarnished, like a statue before it was sanded into perfection.

‘Well? You can’t stay up there all day. If there is trouble awaiting us, we will need you to scare them off.’