Page 8 of His Queen

Even though it's been a month, the thoughts of Vlad haven't vanished from my memories. I seared the feeling of his hands on me into my brain. I wonder what would have happened if I'd been promised to Vlad instead of Sal. The worst part is I could say that if, given the chance, I would run away with Vlad. If I passed him on the street, I would run to him and hope he felt the same way and beg for him to take me away from this. But it wouldn't be safe for him. My father would find us. I don't care what happens to me, but I wouldn't do anything that might cause him harm. I could never live with myself if something happened to him because of me.

Sal and I will never have what Vlad and I shared. I don't even think he is interested in that at all. To him, I am just the Don's daughter, a means to an end that will secure his place as the Don when my father steps down. Other than that, he doesn't give a shit. It's not like I want him, either. But I have resigned myself to my fate. I have no choice.

But Vlad is still there in my every thought. My body is restless for him. It itches for him and yearns to be touched by him. Sal has tried on more than one occasion to push me into having sex with him. Even going so far as to threaten me with bodily harm if I kept playing hard to get. Somehow, I am always saved by my bodyguard, Leo, walking in. His actions keep Sal away for the time being, but I still feel the threat looming over my head.

I'm not sure if he is doing it on purpose or if it's a pure accident, but the more it happens, the more I think he is trying to keep me safe. Even if that means he is keeping me safe from the man that will become his boss. It's one of the few thoughts I cling to. Somehow, having someone close enough to protect me helps relieve my anxiety about marrying an ass hat.

Or worse, that Sal is going to hurt me and take everything, even my mind if I let him. I know once I am married Leo probably won't be there to save me from my fate anymore and even if he was, there would be nothing he could do. My father has chosen this life for me and unfortunately, that’s just the way it is now. There is no escape.

Leo and I used to play together as children. His mother was my mother's best friend. They would have tea every Saturday afternoon and play with us in the yard. Leo would chase me all over the house, screaming in his high-pitched loud voice as he tried to get his baby hands on me. His curly head of black hair bounced behind him as he got closer. When my mom died, his mother came around a lot to try to comfort me.

I don't want him to get into trouble trying to protect me from this. If it happens too much, I know Sal will punish him. And he probably doesn't even care, as long as I don't get hurt while in his presence. That sick prick doesn't have the right to harm any of my staff. I shiver, thinking of the sick thoughts that man has in his head.

In a different life, I wouldn’t require the security of my childhood friend. I would have never been allowed to marry Vlad, anyway. It’s unlikely that my dad would have approved of the relationship, especially considering he’s Russian. I despise the intricacies of my life. Whenever I get the chance, my mind drifts to fantasies about Vlad, and even when I try not to think about him, he permeates my every thought.

If anything happens and I'm lucky enough, maybe I can escape from Sal. Escape from this life. If I just knew, Vlad felt the same. If I had just left my number or even my real name. I would run to him. Maybe we could just run away to Russia. My father would never dare step foot there. We would be safe there. But that isn’t the reality of things, it’s just a fantasy in my head.

Why can't there be someone or something in my favor? But who would fight for me? Except for a man who can't change anything that's happening. Poor Leo. I think of that night I couldn't go back to sleep after Sal came into my bedroom and tried to attack me while I was sleeping. He tried to force himself on me, but I fought back.

When I screamed and he heard the footsteps of the guards in the house coming, he wrapped his hands around my throat and whispered in my ear.

"Next time I might not let go and then I will just use you any way I want to. They might have saved you this time, but let this be a warning. I will get what I want."

When the men came into my room, he stood and walked out. They tried to look unsurprised, but I could tell that they didn’t like what they saw. Yet again, there isn’t anything anyone can do. My father is the Don and what he says goes and if he is allowing this. No one can save me. Those words echo in my brain almost as often as the thoughts of Vlad do.


My next destination is church and hopefully, that will help to get me out of my head enough that I won't be seen as an unhappy fiancée. Lena is meeting me there to finish the details, so we can complete everything before Sal starts to get upset about it. We are supposed to get married in three months. I have never dreaded anything as much as I do my wedding.

I couldn't care less about it. I let Lena pick my dress. I don't care what it looks like. This is a sham of a wedding, anyway. All he has to do is give the ok that he bought me and force us both in front of a priest so he can pronounce us married. That's all it needs to be. Why can't my father see how this makes me feel? Why doesn't he care?

He just treats me like I am just a commodity to be sold instead of his daughter, or at the very least, a person. How can he do this? My brain hurts. I guess when someone else buys you; you tend to lose a sense of self. No one talks about it. How can you treat another like a slave and expect them to love you as well? Or is it just about wanting them to obey you? I’m not sure they care about love if they bought you. It’s just about power. At least in this case, anyway.

When the driver reaches the church, I open the door and head up the steps. Maybe if I keep praying, God will show me a way out of my imprisonment. Maybe I will be led back to Vlad. I wish he could be placed in my path. If god could help me just this one time. If he could just see fit to show me some mercy. But god has always been silent to my pleas. So I don’t see why he would care this time. Lena is already waiting for me by the doors so that we can finish up the last of the details with the priest.

I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly what kind of marriage this is. He has to know that most of his congregation are mobsters. It's not like he can do anything to change my fate, anyway. He'll be doomed too if he doesn't stay quiet and play the game. When I pass Leo on the way in, he offers a small smile. He says a few quick words to me that the men of the family don't need to overhear.

"Rose. If there is ever anything I can do to help you. You just need to tell me. I will do anything I can. This ... isn't right. Please say something if you want to run. We will figure it out. I would take a bullet for you at a moment's notice."

"And then I would have your death on my hands." I shake my head at my old friend.

I will never do that. I never could. They wouldn’t just punish Leo, they would punish his whole family, and I won’t cause that.

"But to make sure you're safe."

"Leo, it doesn't matter. He would kill both of us for disobeying him. That is one reason he picked Sal. There is nothing to be done. This is my fate. I couldn’t be responsible for a fate where you and your family got hurt because of me. I appreciate it, but no."

His shoulders fell, and he looked upset and defeated. I guess at least I have some support, even if he can’t help me. I sigh and walk toward where I know Lena is waiting for me. I just want to get this all over with.

Chapter 7


WalkingawayfromLeois hard. I know he just wants to help, but he has to know he can’t do anything. If my dad isn’t interested in helping his own daughter, imagine what he would do to him. I just can’t bear that thought. It’s too much.

When I find Lena, she is sitting outside of the priest’s door staring at her phone with a forlorn look on her face. I can see the sadness in her eyes.

“Hey, sorry if I’m late.”