Page 64 of His Queen

"Dad, don't act like you are so high and mighty. You sold me off like I was your property. You knew the kinds of things Sal would do to me and you didn't care. You were happy to give me to him. You took my choice away from me. How can you say that I have betrayed you when you are the one who put me in that position? It is you who has betrayed me. The only one who has cared this whole time has been Vlad. He has always loved me and treated me with respect. You sold me out. They raped me. Vlad rescued me. My only regret is that I didn’t just stay with him from the very beginning."

"Do you think anyone is going to buy that? Do you think that I can just let that go? You will be punished, Rose."

" I think I have been punished enough. Being gang raped is more than enough punishment. You coward."

"Watch your mouth, Rose. I am still the head of this family and your father. You will teach you respect."

"Respect? How can you say that to me after what you have done? You are sick and disgusting. How could you do that to me? How could you let him treat me like that? He beat me and raped me in your house! How could you let him hurt me and touch me? I am your daughter. Your only child."

"Rose, stop acting like you are so high and mighty. You're a whore. You were fucking and pining after the enemy."

Her expression transitions from hurt to murderous rage.

"Did you know what he had planned for our honeymoon? You did, didn’t you? You probably encouraged it."

There is a silence, and I know immediately he knew exactly what was being planned. I knew he had changed, but I did not know how much. How could he be okay with that? I didn't think my heart could break more, but I was wrong. The pain stabbing at my chest is almost too much to bear. How could he? How could he allow his only child to be treated like that?

"Rose, I...."

Her eyes widened with the realization that he knew. "You knew. You knew exactly what he had planned, and you did nothing. Nothing at all. You are no father. You are NOT my father. How could you!"

"How could I? How could you? Do you even know what kind of man your lover is?"

The gull of this man. Comparing his actions to me, I could never imagine hurting a woman or a child. I would NEVER. I shake my head at the gull of this man.

"He is a better man than you. Better than any of the ones in the family. He saved me. He risked his life to get me out of there. Sal had men waiting for us. Men, he let rape me repeatedly! How could you!"

"You got what you deserved."

The lack of emotion in his voice just pissed me off more. My poor Rose, she doesn’t deserve this shit.

“No, no. This is over. I’m finished. We will get through this, and then we will find peace. Not because of the family, but because it’s the right thing to do. You can either support that or prepare for a fight. You may be the Don, but I have the power to choose who I love, and I choose him. I will always choose him. Always. He’s the only one who has ever stood up for me, stood by me as an equal. He has cared for me and respected me. He is the love of my life. I don’t love him because he’s a Bratva leader. I love him because he’s a man who will do anything to protect and save me. Yes, he has killed, as he is a leader in the Bratva. But at least I know he would never betray our children like they are worthless. In my eyes, you’re not even a man. You’re a cruel predator. A boy pretending to be something he’s not. You are worthless. You are trash. Trash that isn’t worthy of your position.”

I pull her to me and hug her. I can feel her shaking with rage and emotion as she speaks to him. I wish I could do more than hold her.

"You will regret this. If you think the Bratva is going to accept you. You have another thing coming. You are the daughter of the enemy. As far as they are concerned, you are just another whore and they wouldn't be wrong. What would your mother say?"

She audibly gasps, "My mother would be disappointed with YOU! You sold your flesh and blood to a man you knew was a monster!"

I can't give this one a pass and let her think that the Bratva won't accept her because that’s a lie. Even if Demetrius wasn't the Pakhan, she would be accepted. It’s a long-honored tradition to make peace by marrying the two sides together. Uniting the Bratva and the Italian Mob. Even if they don't recognize how bad all of this truly is, they will recognize how smart it is to unite us.

"Your mother was a whore, too. She wasn't special. And neither are you. You are nothing but an ugly whore who is just as good as dead. You will regret ever crossing me."

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you. Vlad is the only man I need."

"I will make sure you regret saying that."

"And you will regret your words to her, I promise. She is my queen and will remain so. She is mine and you will respect her. If not. Well, there is always a war coming and I will not allow her to be mistreated or disrespected. You have done that far too much already. I have had enough of it. If you can't handle that, then step down now. Let her and I lead. The Bratva will accept her with open arms unlike you we have stepped into the 21st century." I growl, anger swirling throughout my body. "The things you have done are inexcusable. You sold your own flesh and blood to a monster. You can say it was because you knew about us. But it wasn't. You had already sold her before she even returned. Before we ever met. You will pay for all of this, I promise you."

"How dare you speak to me like this? How dare you threaten me!"

"It's not a threat Don Vinci, it's a promise. If you don't stop. We will have a war and trust me when I say that the Bratva won't lose. We will come after you."

"We will see," he says, but I can hear just a tinge of fear in his voice, and that makes me smirk with a deadly grin.

"Don't underestimate us. It's not wise to think you know the enemy. Demetrius is not Viktor. He is more powerful and cunning than any man I have ever known. So, let's put aside the past. If you want a truce, all you need to do is step down."

"What are you trying to say? If I what? Do you think I will give in that easily? That I will be so weak?"