"It's ok Rose, I've got you. Nothing will happen to you now. Everything will be okay. Vlad is as strong as they come. He will make it through this."
I nod. I can't concentrate. I can't even speak. My mind is a jumble of thoughts and feelings too messed up to make any sense at all. I can hear a helicopter getting closer.
"He needs a doctor." I hear myself saying as we rush through the house and out the door.
I glance upwards and notice the helicopter descending. Demetrius rushes towards the door, still carrying me. They carefully placed Vlad on the chopper’s floor, and it swiftly ascends. As the ground recedes beneath us, I can feel myself trembling. Inside the helicopter, a man is accompanying Vlad. Although I’m unaware of his identity, I fervently pray that he’s a doctor. The chopper swiftly takes off, whisking Vlad away into the sky.
"Don't worry, Rose, he is with a doctor. Thank god I thought ahead and already had him heading this way in case you needed him. Which I can tell you do." He gives me a worried look as the chopper flies away.
I shake my head. "No, Vlad needs him more."
He never sets me on my feet as we head for the boat. Just calmly carried me across the island, shouting orders as we went. Since they are in Russian, I do not know what he is saying other than a few names now and then.
I am trembling and sobbing uncontrollably. The pain I’m experiencing is unbearable. It feels as if a truck has run over me, causing every inch of my body to ache. I’m covered in bruises and blood, though I can’t even pinpoint where the blood is coming from anymore. I can sense myself spiraling out of control. I desperately need to calm down, but my heart is racing relentlessly. He sought me out, and now he’s fighting for his life. I’m on the verge of losing him.
I cry so hard it hurts. I just want to close my eyes and pretend this was all a dream. I am so exhausted. I just want to wake up from this nightmare. I look up at Demetrius. I wrap my arms around his neck and cling to him. He is a safe port in the storm. I feel safe with him. He hugs me and tries to reassure me that everything will be ok but I don't feel that way. I feel as if someone has grabbed ahold of my heart squeezing it. My chest aches with worry and pain. My head is spinning and I can't get air into my lungs.
The boat ride seems to go on forever. I don't know how long I have been on it or how long it has been since they shot Vlad. My mind keeps going back to the moment he pointed the gun at me and the evil grin on Salvatore's face.
I can hear the other men on the boat conversing in Russian, and I’m completely clueless about the content of their discussion. It seems like they are discussing the recent events, possibly with my well-being in mind. Tears continue to stream down my face, fear gripping me tightly. However, I find solace in knowing that Vlad will put up a strong fight. He possesses immense strength, and I have unwavering faith that he will be alright. I must hold on to the belief that he will pull through. He has to be okay.
We finally arrive at the island where they took Vlad. Demetrius carries me off of the boat and onto the pier. He sits me down on the edge of the bench and kneels in front of me. His face is a mask of concern.
"Rose, we need to get you cleaned up."
I shake my head no. I don't care about anything but Vlad.
He sighs. "I know, but we can't do anything for him until you get cleaned up. You can’t walk in there looking like this."
I just sit there shaking my head. I can't do this. I can't lose him.
"Rose. I can't take you to the hospital to check on him if you are covered head to toe in blood."
I look down at myself. And he isn't wrong. My arms and hands are covered in blood. Vlad’s blood.
"Please, Rose, I need you to let me help you."
I nod slowly, rising to my feet. He gently lifts me and guides me towards the nearby beach showers. Several men surround the area, protecting it from any intruders. He places me down and opens the door, turning on the water. As it warms up, he assists me in removing my clothes. My body trembles uncontrollably, making it difficult to stand upright. My heart sinks at the sight of my clothing stained with blood, causing a wave of nausea to wash over me. I can’t help but glance downwards, observing the multitude of bruises and cuts covering my body. Some bruises have changed color, signaling the progression of the injuries.
He growls low in his chest, and I tense up. He shakes his head. "I am not growling at you, Rose. I can’t stand the sight of what they have done to you. I wish Luna was here to help you. She would know what to say. But I know Vlad will trust you with no one else." he watches my reaction as he moves me into the water. "I will stay in here, but you will need to wash yourself, Rose. This is as much help as I feel comfortable giving. Not only because of what has happened to you. But because of my wife."
I nod "I understand. Thank you."
"Just try to take it easy. I know you were... raped." He says the word like it pains him to even say it. I wonder if it does. "I know it's going to be hard to recover from. But right now you need to clean yourself up the best you can."
I nod, my head feeling heavy with the weight of his concern. The gentle creak of the floorboards echoes through the room as he strides toward the door. In his absence, a faint scent of detergent lingers in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of my own fear. When he returns, his hands are filled with a stack of clothes and a bundle of towels. I can feel the rough texture of the fabric against my raw, sensitive skin as I vigorously scrub, desperately trying to erase the memories. My sobs join the symphony of running water, a chorus of anguish as I futilely attempt to wash away the pain etched into my very being.
"Rose, please stop. You're going to hurt yourself. Come on, let’s get you dressed and go over to the hospital. You need to see someone as well."
I look at him and shake my head. "No," I say.
He sighs. "Rose, please."
"No, I don't want to," I say.
"I know, but you need to. If nothing else, do it for Vlad's peace of mind. When he wakes, he will want to know. I promise I will request a female doctor."
I think about that. Vlad would never forgive himself if I didn't get help. I nod. "Will you stay with me, please? I won’t feel safe alone… please."