Page 46 of His Queen

"Now I know what you're thinking," Sal says as he looks up at the other men. "What did she do to deserve this? She had to of done something. Right?" He looks at me and smirks. " Well, she didn't do anything wrong. But the only thing she could have done was marry me without a fight. And if she had done that? Well, she wouldn't be here right now. So that's on her." He stands up and looks down at me. "I would have never shared her. But as punishment, for her disobedience, we will play a game of hunter and prey with my little wife here. I will explain the rules after she has finished eating and we step outside."

"Please, no," I whisper.

He gives me a murderous glare, and I feel myself cowering away. I want to go home. I want my old life back. I want to run to Vlad. I try to hold back the tears, but they fall anyway. I hate that I'm so weak. I'm so fucking weak. I wish I were stronger.

Chapter 29


AfterIfinishedeating,I felt like I was going to puke when the wave of anxiety hit me. He walks me out the back of the mansion and I see a sprawling lawn with a massive pool. Beyond that is the beach and a bit of woods surrounding the rest of it. The view is incredible. There is a beautiful pier that juts into the water.

He takes me out onto the grass, and I can hear the other men following us. They surround me in a circle, with Sal and me in the middle of it.

"So here are the rules. 1. You can't gravely wound her. 2. No killing her. I feel I shouldn't have to point this out, but you can kill each other. I don't care. 3. If you catch her first, you get to do anything you want with her sexually. Then release her again. Your hunt will then be over and you come back here. Anything else is up to you guys. I will be joining in because I love this game. Catch and release. I like to watch her get fucked."

He looks at me with a smile, and I can see the cruelty in his eyes. "Have fun," he says as he turns and walks towards the mansion. "She gets a twenty-minute head start. I will shoot my gun in the air when you can all go after her." He turns to me. "Oh, and little mouse, there is no escape from this island, so I suggest you run. And you better run fast."

He turns and walks away from us and I stand there in the middle of these men, who are all looking at me like I am a piece of meat. I start to panic. I can't breathe. I need to get away from them. I take off running. I run as fast as I can towards the trees and I don't look back. I need to find a spot to hide. I am small. If I can find a little hole to crawl into, I might have a chance. I hear the shot of Sal's gun. Fuck, I should have known this wouldn't be fair. I should have guessed he wouldn't give me twenty minutes.

I run through the woods, petrified as I try to find somewhere to hide. There is no time to panic. I need to hide. I turn and run towards the water. I know it's my best option. I sprint past the trees and across the beach. I don't stop when the water reaches my knees. The salt stings my skin, but I keep going until it's up to my waist. I dive under the waves. I swim out as far as I can and I surface. I look around and I can't see anyone. I start to swim towards the other side of the island. I look back towards where I came from and I can't see anything. I feel like I am in an ocean of darkness. There are no other islands near here and the shore is a good way back. I keep swimming. If I drown, at least I won’t die at his hands.

I can hear the echo of voices, but I am so far out in the water they shouldn't be able to see me. As I swim around the island, I catch sight of a cave that opens into the water. I can't see movement inside. I slowly swim towards the cave opening and duck inside. I pull myself up onto the rocks that cover the floor and climb up onto dry land. I lay there for a moment, panting.

I look back out at the open sea and realize I am trapped here. There is nothing else, even in sight. I don't know how long it will take before they find me here. I need to find a hiding spot. I walk through the cave and I can see what looks like a small opening up ahead. Looking around, I look for any place to hide in here, but there is nothing. I am just going to have to take my chances.

I walk up to the hole it looks small enough for me to crawl into. I kneel and crawl into it. I can hear loud noises outside the cave. I stop moving and hold my breath. I hear men talking footsteps as they enter the cave.

"What the fuck? Where did she go?"

I hear a man asking from outside the cave.

"We lost her. We need to keep looking. I don't want to piss off Sal."

I can hear the men laugh as they leave the cave. The opening is tight, but I manage to squeeze through. I move forward and find another opening. I hear loud crashing noises and then voices.

"Have you seen her?"

"Nope. I don’t know where the fuck she went."

I hear a crashing noise again, and I crawl away from the noise. I push myself through the opening and fall to the ground. I am in a huge cavern. I look around and I can see light coming through cracks in the ceiling. I know the opening I crawled through is too small for those large men. It's getting darker the farther I walk into the cavern.

I walk sticking close to the walls and try to watch where I am walking. I can see a drop-off about ten feet in front of me. I walk over to the edge and look down. The water is so dark it's like a black hole. I know if I jump in, they will never find me. But who knows where that might go? I look around and notice a rope ladder along the far wall. I climb up onto the ledge and grab the ladder. It leads up to a small hole in the rocks. I crawl up into the hole and find a small ledge with a cave above it. The moment I am almost through it, a hand tights in my hair.

"Found you!" He yanks me through the hole and covers my mouth before I can scream.

I can feel him pulling me backward. I don't fight him because I know there is no point. I don't know where we are going. I have to wait for the right moment to escape. My hands scramble for a rock or anything I can use to hit him. I find one and wrap my hands around it. I strike him as hard as I can in the side of his face. He staggers back a step, letting me go as he tries to regain his balance. When I try to spring away from him, he grabs me and hits me in the face with the back of his hand. I feel the warmth of my blood as it drips down my chin. He yanks me, tossing me to the ground, and crawls on top of me as I struggle. He pins me to the ground with his body.

"Don't make this worse for yourself, Rose. You need to calm down and stop fighting with me. I get to be the first to fuck you in any way I want. I found you."

I kick my legs out and I can feel the tears that want to escape from my eyes. The rock is still in my hand, and I can't control the urge to smash it into his head. I swing as hard as I can in a blind fury. I hear him yell and he covers his face as blood starts to pour down it. I scream and he grabs me by the neck and squeezes. I can't breathe. I hear the sound of his zipper.

"I love fighters."

The moment he loosens his grip on my hand, I bring it up and smack him with the rock again. This time I don’t stop. It's dark and I can't see where I am hitting him. But in my blind rage, I keep swinging until he isn't moving anymore.

I roll to the side of him and crawl towards the ledge. I feel like I'm going to puke. I pull myself up and sit there for a moment to try to come up with anything I can. I need a weapon and possibly a phone. Please have a phone and if he does, please let it work. I take all the weapons he has on him. At least now I am armed. I find a phone in his back pocket and pull it out.

“Oh, thank god,” I whisper.