Page 36 of His Queen

"If they do that I don't think we will ever see her again."

"Vlad, Rose is a strong woman. She knows how to fight back. She won't go down without a fight. We need to find a way to get her out of there."

"I know but what can we do?"

"I don't know but I will help you if you need it. We can take her to Russia if needed."

"It would mean war Demetrius you know that."

"Vlad we are going to be at war anyway. I'm not going to honor the deals Viktor made with them. We both know this."

I just stare at him what can I do? I can't exactly stop the wedding it will be filled to the brim with mafioso. But ...

"What if we figure out where the honeymoon is?"

He stares at me for a few minutes and just when I think he will say no he looks at me.

"I can have Luna's dad see if he can figure it out. But what then? She will be married already."

"If we can get her to run we can get her out of the country. It is the only way. I don't want to lose her Demetrius. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her."

"I know Vlad and trust me I do know how hard all of this is. I could at least rage and kill people. You are left to watch it all crumble and for that I am sorry."

I can tell by looking at him that he really does feel guilt for this. Not that there is anything he could have done from the get go. He was stuck between two choices and neither are great choices. We risk men to "storm the castle" or we risk men to pull her out of her honeymoon. Of the two I think the latter will be the better choice. Not that I am excited to watch her wedding. Because yes we were invited. I almost feel like he knows and how could he not? He has to have some idea about it. Every time something happens I happen to show up just a moment too late. Fuck! I keep failing her.

"I will tell Luna to see if her dad will locate where he is taking her. I know he can help me find out where she will be going. The problem is I don't know how long it will take. I know that he will have guards everywhere but they might not know where they are going. This could be our only shot."

"I know," I say. "We will have to go to the wedding maybe someone will talk about it. But I don't think I can watch her get married, Demetrius."

He places a hand on my shoulder. "I understand Vlad I really do. But this is what we must do."

"I know. I know you are right. I just wish I had done more." I say.

I walk away from him and into the kitchen. I can feel the tears start to run down my face. I haven't cried since we lost her. I've been in zombie land where I just feel drained mentally. Unable to sleep. Unable to think of anyone or anything but her. We were so close. They got there mere moments before us. Fuck how was she found? I have no clue. But they were there dragging her to the SUV. I want to rip every single man apart limb by fucking limb. I want to tear Salvatore apart for what he has done to her. I want to destroy everything. But I have to stay calm and focused on the plan. I know that we will have a shot at getting her back.

I know Demetrius won't stop until I have her back and having his support means more than he realizes. Because without that support I still wouldn't stop. I would kill everyone I could before they took me out just to get to her. It doesn't matter that she isn't my wife. I would burn the world down for her. If she doesn't feel the same way about me she will anyway. I will fight to keep her. To make her mine. I will never give up.

Chapter 24


Pain is radiating all over my body. It's been two days of almost constant abuse and horror. Horror that I know I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. I can hardly move. I have bruises on my face from Salvatore. I have bruises on my body from being kicked, punched, and raped. He is such a monster. I can't stand him.

I stare up at the ceiling as I lay in bed trying to find the will to get up. He stopped hitting me in the face so the bruises and swelling on my face have turned an awful mustard yellow. He reminded me that today is the wedding, so he had to make sure my face wasn't swollen. How gracious of him.

I hate him so much. He is a fucking animal. He is more of a monster than I ever imagined. I know that he is going to kill me after I give him an heir. The only thing that stops me from falling apart are the memories of Vlad. How tender and loving he was with me. When Salvatore is using my body, I try to let my mind slip away to the two wonderful nights I had with him. To concentrate on something better than what is happening to me and the pain that is involved.

Vlad’s smile, his handsome face, his kind eyes, his voice. I think about how he made me feel safe. I remember his warmth. How it felt to be wrapped safely in his arms. I can see him in my mind. The way he would look at me. The way his eyes would change when we made love. It was like he was a different person. He was so loving, so sweet, so gentle. I can hear his voice. I can hear the way he would whisper in my ear.

I miss him so much. I don't want to marry Salvatore. I don't want him to be my husband. If I could choose, I would choose Vlad any day. I just hope I get to tell him that. I close my eyes and just let myself slip into a peaceful dreamland.

I am sitting in a field with a picnic basket and a blanket. There are flowers everywhere. It's a beautiful, sunny day. I hear the sounds of water running and I follow the sound until I find the river. I see a man sitting on the bank. His feet are in the water. His dark hair is blowing in the breeze. His smile is so warm and bright. It feels like I am being pulled towards him. I know who it is. I know it is him. He is waiting for me.

I run to him and I jump into his arms. He wraps me in a warm embrace, and I can feel his warmth spread through me. He leans down and kisses me. I can almost feel it on my lips.

"I've been waiting for you, my solnyshko," he says.

I look into his eyes, and they are so kind. He is smiling at me. I can see love in his eyes. So much love it’s overwhelming.