Page 24 of His Queen


I have been crying ever since I left his house. I love him. I love Vlad. I want to be with him. But there is nothing I can do. My father will not let me out of this marriage and he will never give his blessing for us to be together. I know he feels the same way about me as I do about him. But I have no idea how to get out of this. I know Vlad said he would figure something out, but I have no idea how. I am a Mafia Princess and expected to fill my role. My father doesn't care about me. He sold me to the highest bidder and then wiped his hands of it. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive him for this.

Vlad's kiss still lingers on my lips. His scent still lingers on me. I want to just live in that memory forever. I don’t know how I will survive being with Sal. I don't know how I will stand his touch. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke.

I could run. But if I run, I know my father will kill Lena and then come after me. I just wish I knew how to get her out of there, too. Maybe there is a way, but fuck if I know what it is.

I miss him already and I can still feel him inside of me. I know I will be in trouble when I get home. I can only hope that Sal isn't there. I took an Uber to my car at the club and came straight home. I don't want to face my father. I don't want to face anyone. I just want to hide.

I go into my room and fall onto my bed. I curl up and cry myself to sleep. When I am awoken, Sal is standing over me. I still have Vlad's scent all over me. Can he smell that? God, I hope not. I should have taken a shower, but I couldn't bring myself to wash him off of me yet.

"What do you want Sal?"

"Your father wants to see you." He growls.

"Oh good. I can't wait." I roll my eyes.

"Get up now."

"Don't worry, I'm coming," I say as I climb out of bed, still in the same clothes from the night before.

He grabs my arm and drags me out of the room. I try to pull my arm away, but he just holds my arm tighter. He drags me down the stairs and to my father's office. He opens the door and shoves me in. My father looks up from his desk. He is smoking a cigar, and he looks mad. I stand up straight and look him in the eyes.

"Where did you go last night? You were supposed to be getting information, and then you disappeared. Our trackers still show you at the club," he growls at me.

"I tried, father, but they weren't interested. The guy Vladimir came down and then had me scanned. After they found the stuff, they removed me from the club out of a different entrance. I did all I could." I say defiantly.

He stands up and slams his fist on the desk. "You will not talk back to me, you stupid bitch. Do you understand me? I don't give a fuck how old you are. You will respect me."

"Or what? What will you do to me? Beat me? Have Sal rape me? Kill me? Please, just go ahead and get it over with. I am sick and tired of this." I scream at him. "I don't want to get married to him! I would rather you kill me."

"You have no idea what you are saying, Rose. You will be marrying Salvatore soon. He will take over for me when I am gone and you will be his wife. It's done."

"He is a rapist!" I shout. “That’s what you want for me?”

Sal’s hand shoots out and smacks me so hard I fall to the floor. My ear is ringing and I can taste blood in my mouth. I look up at him with narrowed eyes as I try not to cower on the floor.

"I have had enough of your mouth. You will respect me and Salvatore. He will be the leader of this family. He will be your husband soon. You will treat him like the Don he will be."

"Fuck you!" I spit on his feet.

Sal steps forward and kicks me in the stomach. Grabbing me by the hair, he turns my face up to him as he towers over me.

"Do you think any man is going to want you after I'm done with you? I'm going to break you in real nice.” he bends sneering in my face. “Everyone will see what a useless slut you are. You will never amount to anything but a fuck toy. I am going to fuck you every night and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You will give me my heirs."

I try to turn my eyes to my father, who is standing there watching this. But he just sits down and continues smoking his cigar. He is going to let this happen. I knew he didn't care about me, but I didn't think even he was capable of this.

Sal drags me up the stairs to my room and throws me into it. I hit the floor hard and I cried out. He laughs and slams the door. I hear the lock click. I look up and realize he didn't leave. He is still in here. I try to crawl away. He laughs as he slowly stalks over to me.

"Where do you think you are going, Rose?" he taunts me.

"Get away from me!" I scream.

He reaches down and grabs me by my hair, pulling me up to my feet as he slams me face-first into the wall.

"I don't think so, my little whore. I told you what was going to happen. Now you are going to get it. I don't believe you. I think you left with him, didn't you?"
