She nods. "I know that. And you almost did. So don't say that. You mean everything to me."
"You are the most important thing in my life. And I will protect you no matter what. But if the worst should happen. If they come. You will be safe. I will make sure of it." I place my hands on both sides of her face, tenderly smoothing the hair from her face.
"I can't lose you. I won't."
"You will never lose me. My heart beats only for you."
"Promise me, Vlad. Promise me no matter what happens, you will come back to me. But I want you to understand. I am not helpless and you will not be locking me in a room to wait for you. I will be at your side. Always."
"Always, Rose, always."
There is a knock on the door and Demetrius comes in.
"Vlad." He says, then turns and looks at Rose. "Rose. I hope you are feeling better."
"As well as expected."
"Understandable." He gives her a meaningful look and I know he understands. " Now, shall we begin? What was it you wanted to speak about? And before you say anything. I already know that Don will not take it well. I also know that other Italian families will not want to get involved in a war. There are too many risks and not enough benefits. I do not need a war on the streets. But if it comes down to it, we protect our own."
"We don't want a war on the streets, either."
"But if he brings it to us. We will meet him head-on."
"Demetrius, I have a proposition. It would keep the families out of a war and hopefully keep a war from even escalating."
"What kind of proposition?"
I motion to the small sitting area in our suite, and we all take a seat.
"I want to call my stepmother Lena and ask her for help. I am positive her situation is close to what mine was. I want to tell her about what has happened and ask her if she would help. If she could get us the intel we needed, we would always be a step ahead of my father. I would also like to ask Aldo for help. I am almost positive there is something between him and Lena. If I could get him on my side, it would be even easier to take my father out and for me and Vlad to step in as the leaders."
He looks at her and smiles. "I like the way you think, Rose. Do you think she will feed us intel? Can you trust her?"
"If she knew that, she could be free. Yes. Yes, I do. She will help us. But I am worried that my father will catch on and I’m worried about him hurting her."
"You think your father has been abusing her?"
Yes, I believe he has an abusive nature. He hasn't always been that way, but I am positive he is now. I think if she had a way out, she would take it.”
"Do you think Aldo will help? Would he be willing to go against your father?"
"I don't know for sure, but if it meant saving her. I think he would. I’ve noticed they might have a connection."
"And your father?"
"Honestly, Demetrius, I do not know what to do. He is a monster. But even after everything, I don't think ... I am not sure I could kill him. I could hurt him and punish him for what he has done but murder. I am not sure I can do it."
"What do you want to do, Vlad?"
“I knew it would come to this. I want to kill him, but I recognize this man is her father. We could always ask Falkner to take him out. But the aftermath concerns me. It's something we would have to do to be recognized. Specifically, she would have to do it. I can't make this decision alone. This is her family. But I think if he steps down, then we let him live. Otherwise, if he fights. I will fight."
"What if Lena and Aldo don't agree?" he asks
"Then we will have no choice but to go to war."
"I understand."