Page 16 of Keep Me Close

Asking the captain for anything is iffy. He’s a hardass of the first order, grizzled from ten years of firefighting and crankier than a freshly shaved llama in a rainstorm. He has a good heart, though. It’s the only reason he’s gotten where he is. He takes care of his people.

I’m a little nervous about asking for favors, though. So, on the way to his part of one of the tents, I grab him a bottle of water. His eyes are on a topographical map when I enter his tent. I toss the water to him, and he catches it without looking. He’s canny like that. “What is it, Mac?” The man calls none of us by our first names. Someone told me it’s because he hates getting close to anyone on his crews. He’s lost too many.

“Uh, I have a family thing coming up this Saturday. Any chance I can—"

“Since when do you have a family?” He cocks his good eye at me.

“Since always, but I try not to make it a big deal. It wouldn’t be now, except it’s my mom’s birthday.”

He sits up straight. “Take as much time as you need.”

It’s the last thing I expected to hear, but I don’t want to poke the bear by asking why. “Uh, thanks. I appreciate that.”

“Anything else?”

I’m still surprised by his answer, so I haven’t moved. “No. Thanks again.”

“Of course.” He goes back to his map.

So, I return to my tent with Miranda. “When I told Cap it was my mom’s birthday, he instantly agreed. What’s up with that?”

She’s been on Cap’s crew for seven years, which is longer than anyone else here. If anyone should know, it’s her. “That’s weird. He lost his mom a few years ago, so maybe that’s why? I don’t know.”

“The man is an enigma. Excuse me.” I pull out my phone and call Beau. “Hey—"

“Tell me you’ll be here for the party.”

A stark tonal difference from before. “What’s going on?”

A heavy sigh follows. “Being that our mother has a winter birthday and so many of her friends now winter in Florida and Arizona, fewer wish to show up for her. We have been leaking guests like a sieve. I will not have an empty ballroom for my mother.”

I can’t help but smile at that. “Well, count me in.”

“Are you sure this won’t be a repeat of Cormac and Lily’s wedding?”

The wedding I could not make because of a sudden wildfire. “Seems unlikely—my captain apparently has a thing about mothers and their importance.”

“Very good to hear. Do you know when you will arrive in town? Do I need to arrange transportation?”

“Friday at the latest, but I’ll try to be there by Thursday just to be safe. And no, I can get there on my own, but thanks.”

His relief is palpable. “Excellent. One fewer thing to do for this party.”

“Since when are you the party planner for the family?”

“With Cormac still in his honeymoon phase, Maya still sailing around the world, Beckett preoccupied with Cole’s physical therapy, and you jumping headlong into fire, Father and I have been planning this party, which is to sayIam planning this party. Mother, our usual party planner, may not lift a finger for this. She is the woman of honor, not our planner. Additionally, I would prefer to keep you a surprise, if you don’t mind. Most of us have given up on having you around for the holidays, so she will be joyous at your appearance.”

“Got it, no problem. I can lie low.”

“For whatever efforts occur at your end of this, I thank you greatly.”

I chuckle. “Happy to, Beau. How are you doing?”

“I am creating the greatest resort in New England with the woman I plan to marry, while planning my mother’s birthday party. I work in a heated office, surrounded by whatever luxuries I require. My life is a dream compared to yours, so I believe I should be the one asking howyouare doing.”

“Are you kidding? I’m doing great. Your life sounds like my nightmare.”

Beau, for all his formalities, always makes me laugh. He is stiff, but under all that precision and perfection, is a man who loves his family, no matter how he makes it sound. He laughs. “Same to you. I should go—the catering situation is getting out of control.”