Hope poured them each a glass of water from the side table before sitting opposite Sofia.
‘You’re aware that Harcourts is currently in the position of appointing a new CEO?’ When Sofia nodded, Hope continued. ‘My cousin Simon has a very good chance of getting that position and it would be the downfall of my family’s company.’
If Sofia felt any surprise at the candour with which Hope was speaking, she hid it well. Forcing aside the insecurities she felt about assuming the position herself, Hope forged ahead. ‘I would not be the shareholders’ first choice and I am not naïve to that. But I know that I would do a much better job than my cousin in leading Harcourts now and into the future. To do that, I need to bring the shareholders something they can’t say no to. And that’s money.’
Sofia nodded and gestured for her to continue.
‘Harcourts is a brand built on the promise of luxury. Harcourts can provide whatever your heart desires, as long as you have the money to pay for it and it is legal, of course. The latest fashion, the most exquisite jewellery, the most expensive furniture, the most contemporary interior design...but I want to take it a step further. I want you to be able tolivethe Harcourts lifestyle—for just a while.’
Sofia’s eyes lit as she began to connect the dots. ‘You want to create Harcourts hotels.’
‘Yes,’ Hope said, nodding fervently. ‘I want to create branded luxury hotels where you can access everything that the department store has to offer, but the main focus would be on Harcourts branded items. We would start in the countries where a Harcourts department store is already located and branch out from there.’
Sofia sat up straighter in her chair. ‘Okay, I get it. Makes sense, you can commute items from the store to the hotel, you already have an existing customer base in the locale on which you could expand. But where would my brand sit?’
‘Harcourts Obeid.’
‘Not Obeid Harcourts?’
‘You already have hotels. Harcourts doesn’t. Putting Harcourts first announces that it’s something new.’
Hope retrieved her phone and pulled up the documents she’d put together on the deal before passing her phone to Sofia. The other woman sat back to review the proposal as Hope tried to slow her racing pulse. So much was at stake here. Her brother might have been able to lure the shareholders with Casas Fashion, but Hope not only needed something bigger, shewantedsomething bigger. Something better for Harcourts.
‘I won’t lie,’ Sofia admitted. ‘I’m tempted. Really tempted. The potential is clear, the revenue projections not only seem viable but eminently tempting. But, Hope, I can’t do a deal with a marketing director.’
The other woman’s words struck harder than her tone. Hope knew she didn’t mean them unkindly, but simply as a statement of fact.
‘If we agree to this deal, I won’tbea marketing director, I’ll be a CEO.’
Sofia shrugged. ‘I’ve got another offer on the table. Is it as sexy and exciting as this? No. Would I rather work with you? Absolutely. But you know that this will be a problem with anyone you take this offer to.’
Hope clenched her teeth, her worst fears confirmed. She knew Sofia was right, but she also knew how good her idea was.
‘Tell me why you want this,’ Sofia stated.
Hope’s mind went blank for a heartbeat. ‘For the good of Harcourts. It will secure my family company’s position as a leading global brand and bring both our companies huge revenue.’
For the first time in their conversation, Sofia seemed a little disappointed. It was there and gone in the blink of an eye but, whatever it had been, Hope realisedthatwas the moment she lost Sofia Obeid.
‘Can you give me some time? Think on it? Please,’ Hope asked, hating that she would beg, hating the desperation she felt clawing at her.
‘I’m returning to London in an hour.’
Hope felt sick.
‘I could be back here in two days,’ Sofia offered.
Hope wasn’t sure if it was a lifeline or pity, but she took it with both hands.
‘Absolutely. You let me know when and I’ll make it happen,’ Hope said automatically as she tried to catalogue how badly the outcome of this meeting had affected her.
Luca leant against the wall in the seating area of the private floor above Meister, ignoring the plush leather sofas and chairs. The urge to pace like a caged animal was a need in his blood. He didn’t like knowing that he couldn’t see what was going on in the room.
It didn’t matter that Hope was in there with a business associate—which was all she’d told him earlier as they’d made the plans for that evening. He wasn’t sure which had annoyed him more, that she refused to trust him or the thought of her in there with another man.
But something had happened to him, watching Hope on that dance floor. Something that had turned him from cool, calm and in control to raging neanderthal. He’d been attracted to women before. He’d chased and been chased, but the sheer indifference that Hope hid behind—because he knew she was hiding her desire, just like he was—drove him to the brink in a way he hadn’t known before.
A door in the hallway opened and a tall, elegant woman emerged. Head down and turning away from Luca, she disappeared towards the back exit of the club. He barely gave her a second glance before he was at the threshold of the room he knew Hope was in.