The entire way through the first act he tried to keep his focus on his surroundings, but Hope was more distracting than the dramatic death of the Prince of Persia.
Hope.One of the answers to the three questions Turandot asks of her suitors. Should they answer incorrectly, they are put to death. Only the one who answers each of the riddles can become her husband. He wondered what Hope made of the heroine so angered by the assault on her ancestor, she sets about taking revenge on all of her would-be suitors.
From where he was standing, tucked into the rich red velvet curtain enveloped by shadows, he could see the delicate lines of her shoulders and neck. Hope’s blonde hair was looped into an elaborate twist, held in place by a gold hairpin, leaving her long slender neck bare and begging to be caressed. The V on the front of her dress was mirrored at the back and the dim lighting played in shadows across her shoulder blades and spine. Instinctively, his hand flexed before he fisted it and shoved it behind his back.
He usually had more control over himself than this, but he had to admit he’d never encountered anyone like Hope before. His mind returned to his earlier conversation with Nathanial Harcourt. He’d expected a fight on his hands, to keep the contract, to keep their agreement, but Nate had seemed distracted.
‘It’s fine. As long as she’s safe, that’s all that matters.’ The Englishman’s voice had sounded strained, but Luca knew that he wouldn’t appreciate any show of concern. ‘Keep me informed,’ was all he’d said before severing the call. He doubted her brother would have been so accepting if he’d had any idea of the erotic desires she evoked in Luca.
As the curtain dropped on the first intermission, Hope took a moment to gather herself. She hadn’t seen a single second of the opera that was a favourite of hers too. Instead, the entire time, she’d been aware only of Luca. Of the weight of his presence, hidden in the corner, like a protection she both wanted and hated at the same time.
Shaking off the thought, she needed to get out to the main foyer. Intermissions were an important part of social networking and while she’d always begged off in the past, it was no longer a luxury she could afford. Standing from her seat, she turned, unable to stop her gaze flying straight to where Luca was standing—and instantly wished she hadn’t. She’d been so focused on ignoring him earlier when he was with the car that she hadn’t really taken him in. But now?
If he’d looked good in a suit and tie, Luca Calvino in a tuxedo was devastating. She wanted to press a hand to her stomach like some Victorian miss, for the first time truly understanding that flip in her core.Deepin her core. Her lips parted on nothing but air and she didn’t miss the way that his gaze flickered between her mouth and her eyes. She was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.
Luca’s brow dropped in question and Hope, understanding, shook her head to convey that she wasn’t expecting anyone. She crossed to the door, gently batting aside Luca’s raised hand warning her to stop, and opened it, regretting it instantly.
Her ex-fiancé lounged against the frame as if he had come to charm her rather than taunt her. Burying her anger deep, she waited. She had learned long ago that nothing frustrated Martin more than having to do things for himself.
‘Not going to invite me in?’
‘No,’ she said, keeping her tone neutral and her expression purposely bland.
The wave of anger she felt coming from where Luca stood in the shadows heated her skin like a fierce caress. But all it did was make her aware that he was seeing this. Seeing thatthiswas the man she’d nearly married. Shame and anger licked at her like flames.
Several guests passed in the hallway, casting them curious glances, clearly aware of the history between them and already beginning to gossip. Just as—she imagined—he’d planned.
‘Don’t you want to know why I’m here?’ Martin taunted.
‘Even if I had something that you might want?’ he leered.
‘You havenothingI want, Martin. I promise you that,’ she said, struggling to keep herself calm. He peeled himself angrily from the door frame and stood there glaring at her.
‘Everyone wants something, Hope. Sadly, I was never going to give you what you are so desperate for,’ he said, with so much false sincerity it curdled her stomach.
‘And what was that?’ she asked before she could stop herself.
‘Love,’ he whispered meanly, leaning into her ear.
She slammed the door on him, hating that she could hear his taunting laugh as he walked away.
Luca hadn’t made out Martin’s reply, but it took nearly everything in him not to wrench the door open and go after the bastard. What on earth was wrong with these people? No, his own wasn’t exactly the perfect nuclear family. He didn’t know and didn’t care to know his father, he barely saw his mother—only when she deemed it safe and secret enough, but this?
It was a description Nate had used too and it barely touched the surface.
Hope stood facing the door she had just slammed shut, the rapid breaths pressing against the black satin crossed over her chest. She was looking down, that curved line of her neck bent. Until she rolled her shoulders and straightened her back and he watched as Hope rebuilt her armour, brick by brick, thought by thought.
‘Can you get the car?’
‘Sì,’he replied, unaware that his emotions were riding him hard enough for him to answer in his native Italian.
‘Have it ready in five minutes.’
‘Sì,’he said. Before he left, he marvelled as she resumed her seat in the private box. And just before the curtain rose on Turandot’s second act, she even smiled and waved to some of the staff who caught her eye, looking for all the world as if nothing had happened.