‘Yes,’ he murmured as his mouth and hands continued mapping her body, shifting lower and lower, ‘You can feel me there already, can’t you?’


She was nearly crying with need by the time he pressed a light kiss to the valley beside her hipbone, nuzzling there as his fingers continued brushing and stroking the soft down of hair, sliding through it and down the cleft between her legs. It was a single scorching line, light but definite, and she felt her dampness under his fingers. She didn’t understand any of this. It was so different from how it had been with Alfred and yet so much more right. Some residual shame made her try to pull away, but he only took advantage of her movement to nudge her thigh with his shoulder, his tongue a caress, his breath a tangle of hot and cold on her shimmering skin. Shock held her still, but then his tongue gently brushed the sensitive nub at the apex and she squirmed to escape the coil of almost unbearable heat that simple caress unleashed.

‘Don’t run from me, Jo. I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. I promise.’

He moved up again, his mouth nuzzling and caressing her breast and though he let her close her legs, his hand remained resting on the downy hair, his long fingers curved against her flesh so that she could feel their pulses meeting, pouring through her. When he nudged her legs apart again with his she was so awash with warmth she just exhaled on a long sigh as his fingers opened her, sending whiplashes of pleasure dancing between his teasing mouth on her breasts and the swirling, coaxing slide of his fingers at her core. When he shifted lower again, his mouth retracing its path, she didn’t have the will or the shame to resist. She was no longer herself, she was nothing but what he found in her—light, life, heat... This time when his mouth found the slickness of her arousal she didn’t think at all. She had never been so present and so utterly far from reason in her life. Her hands snagged at the sheet, his shoulders, his hair and finally covered her face to muffle the whimpers of pleasure she could not hold back as his mouth and tongue and breath tortured her beyond belief, turning her skin liquid and her blood to fire. Lash after lash of pleasure burst through her and it felt impossible to continue without something terrible happening, but when the world burst in a shower of sparks and a long surge of honey-sweet joy she gave in, welcoming oblivion.

* * *

Benneit raised himself carefully on to his elbow.

She had turned over with a sated sigh after her climax and now lay half on her side, facing away from him. The fire was just a collection of embers and the orange light kissed her bare shoulder and cheek and gilded her eyelashes. She looked as soft and dewy as dawn and he was as hard as the standing stones of Inverdine and as hot as the inside of a volcano.

He smiled, letting his hand hover a few inches above the arch of her back, absorbing her warmth. He was in agony and in heaven. Her pleasure was addictive, intoxicating. He wanted to wake her and take her back to that peak of pleasure so he could watch her melt. And then do it again. And again. He should have had the forethought to take her to his room where he had a French sheath, because this time he wanted to be inside her when she unravelled so she could torture him with each undulating contraction. He still could, but he didn’t want to move. He didn’t want to do anything that would send her scurrying behind her grey-eyed shield.

His fingers twitched with the urge to follow the guidance of that light where her curves sloped under the blankets, but he stayed motionless, trying to absorb this new reality. It didn’t reflect well on him. He had seduced a respectable widow, his son’s companion, his dead wife’s cousin, a woman under his protection, while half of the population within a hundred miles were guests at the castle.

There was not one way to look at this that would make it acceptable.

Well, there was one way. It had been given to him in the soft moans as he goaded her towards climax, in the sweet curving of her body against his, in the generous slide of her hands over his body, torturing, seeking, giving...

He shuddered a little in remembrance of that first moment of bliss as she had abandoned herself to his hands and mouth, as he watched the bottomless grey of her eyes awash with need and pleasure as he touched her, tasted her...