Jo hesitated as she would before walking across a chasm balanced on a plank. Perhaps she was wrong about this woman’s guilelessness. Perhaps she had seen the truth on Jo’s face during the dance.

‘I agreed to remain here a month, that is all, Lady The—Tessa.’

‘I see.’

Tessa’s shoulders slumped and her tone was so despondent Jo was surprised into honesty.

‘Why do you ask?’

‘You must know what is being said, about the alliance, and I was rather hoping there might be someone here who might be a friend.’

‘If you are to wed, I would imagine your husband would be that friend,’ Jo answered, her heart thumping like a great drum, and Tessa’s smile was wry.

‘It is not that kind of alliance. Lochmore is a good man, but... Was your husband your friend?’

‘Yes. But I know that is rare. Still, your family is not so very far and you will make new friends perhaps, and then there is Jamie and eventually...’ Her resolve to be cool and calm sank under the weight of her horror at the picture she was painting. She did not hate this woman, but she would happily see her erased from the face of the earth. She stood.

‘We should return, Lady Tessa.’

The younger woman sighed and stood as well.

‘Yes. Sometimes I wonder how it is that women have not yet overturned the world. There is something dreadfully wrong with it.’

Jo’s pain melted a little.

‘That is very true. Perhaps one day they shall. Perhaps one day your daughter will.’

Tessa smiled.

‘Or yours.’

Jo shook her head but didn’t answer.

Just before they regained the Great Hall a hand closed tightly on her elbow and she turned in surprise to face Morag.

‘Shoo, girl.’ Morag waved a hand at Tessa. To give Tessa credit, she sought Jo’s confirmation at her dismissal, but Jo smiled reassuringly and Tessa continued, glancing back once over her shoulder before entering the Great Hall.

‘Secrets between the Is and the Will Be?’

Jo tried to focus on the slurred voice and the bloodshot eyes and not on the venom.

‘Shall I ask Mrs Merry to help you to your rooms, Lady Morag?’

‘I know my way. This is my home, whatever the two of you are conniving. Setting up to share my nephew? I saw the way the two of you danced. Dancing! There’s another name for that! Well, don’t think you three can conspire to send me away from my tower!’

‘He will never send you away, Lady Morag. Trust me, it is not something he would do. Why test him, though?’

The filmy brown eyes cleared for a moment.

‘I don’t know if I want her here.’

‘Whether you wish it or not, his honour is pledged.’

‘Aye. Whether you want it or not. I don’t like seeing Aberwyld in these walls.’

For a moment there was nothing but sincerity in Morag’s rough voice and Jo recognised a kindred pain.

‘I am not particularly fond of Lady Aberwyld either,’ she said, thinking back to the dour woman she had encountered that evening.

Lady Morag dropped her arm and stood back, a mixture of viciousness and pain in her lined face. ‘Clever little miss, aren’t you? It won’t save you, though.’

‘I know that, Lady Morag.’

‘I don’t want her here. My father wanted McCrieff to marry me, did you know that? To bring peace between the families. But then she sank her claws into him and he forgets all about me. Fat lot of good it did him.’

The pain was so vivid Jo felt horrified with it—would she, too, be so torn decades later? Tangled in these feelings for Benneit? Before she could even think of a response, Mrs Merry appeared in the corridor, her surprise turning to a frown.

‘I’ll see you to your room, Lady Morag, and Beth will bring up a nice toddy. Mrs Langdale, Angus would like a word with you. He’s by the great staircase.’

Jo nodded with relief as Mrs Merry led Morag away, then went to find Angus. His face was calm as always, but immediately she tensed.

‘Angus, what has happened?’

‘Now, dinna worrit, Mrs Jo, but Jamie’s ill and is calling for ’ee. Looks like to cast up his accounts.’

She nodded and picked up her skirts, heading up the stairs, her heartbeat swift. Angus’s broadening brogue was a clear sign he was more concerned than his words indicated.