When she finished laughing, she cocked her head toward the door. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everyone’s occupied.”
“I have noticed. The nice thing is that, unlike when the twins get quiet, I’m not waiting to find out that the bathtub is overflowing or wondering when the slime explosion will happen.” He pulled her closer.
She smiled at his summary of parenthood. Then she tilted her head and eyed him. “I thought we could take a walk.”
“I don’t know. Let me check your footwear.”
She laughed and stuck out a booted foot.
“Where’d you get the boots?”
“Maisy packed several pairs.”
“That would have been nice to know yesterday, huh?”
“Absolutely. Anyway, I want to show you something. So how about a stroll in the moonlight?”
“That sounds perfect. I’ll grab our coats.”
They sneaked out through the side door, running on tiptoes away from the cottage like teenagers breaking their curfew. When they were clear of the windows, they slowed to a walk, and Sasha slipped her hand inside Leo’s.
The stars winked down at them. The moon was bright and low. And the snow crunched satisfyingly underfoot. Leo breathed in the peace and the perfection. They walked in silence, as if neither of them wanted to break the spell by interrupting the magic of the deep winter night.
Sasha came to a stop at the edge of the circular driveway in front of Silverwood Manor.
Leo blinked up at the mansion. “What you want to show me is in there?”
“Yep. Don’t worry. It’s not a dead body.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise—I did not get you a dead body for our tenth anniversary.”
“Okay, but I’m going to hold you to that.” He smiled. “Lead the way.”
Sasha hurried him up the driveway and onto the porch. Then she opened the door and pulled him into the parlor. “John and Hatty know we’re here, by the way. I cleared it with them earlier.”
“So that’s what you and Hatty were conspiring about in the kitchen.”
She smiled slyly. “Maybe.”
He glanced around the room, lit only by soft lamplight. “You wanted to show me the parlor?”
Instead of answering, she walked over to the bookcase and ran her finger along the spines of several books, humming to herself. Then she pulled a volume forward.
Leo’s breath caught in his throat when the bookcase rotated and the wall opened. “Is that a secret passage?”
“Come on.” She pulled him inside and closed the hidden compartment, shutting them inside.
* * *
Sasha watched as Leo took in the wall sconces and the rug, which was anchored by a small card table that held a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and a vase full of the same white and blue flowers that graced the cottage. She couldn’t hide her smile at his amazement.
Well done, Hatty.
He turned to her. His eyes glowed in the flickering light. “Spill it. How did you know this was here?”
“Maisy and I stumbled onto it yesterday. Remember when Hank called you downstairs, and you left us up in the blue and yellow bedroom?”