* * *

The crime scene investigators arrived at the farmhouse on a quartet of noisy snowmobiles while Leo and Sasha were bundling up for the walk back to the manor. Leo didn’t bother hiding his glee at the presence of motorized vehicles, and Officer Duncan wasted no time commandeering them.

Sadly, the math didn’t check out: the snowmobiles could transport eight people, not eleven. While Officer Duncan and Dr. Graham got the investigators started gathering forensic evidence at the scene of Rex’s death, the rest of them circled one another, jockeying for seats.

The tension was building when Carl coughed theatrically.

“I think Carl has something to say,” Aroostine observed.

Carl rubbed a hand over his short-cropped hair. “Couldn’t we do two trips? Take eight folks to the house, and then bring three snowmobiles back to pick up the last three?”

“Or we could fight to the death,” Hank countered. Then he laughed. “Leave it to Carl to cut through the nonsense.”

Bodhi frowned. “It’s a great idea, but the CSI team would be without transportation. I’m happy to snowshoe so they can keep a set of wheels.”

“So am I,” Aroostine volunteered.

Sasha piped up, “For the record, I am not.”

Leo glanced down at Sasha’s high-heeled shoes. Everyone else’s eyes followed.

“Don’t say anything,” she warned. “This is obviously not the footwear I would have chosen for a late-night run through a blizzard.”

“Have you even warmed up yet?” Aroostine murmured sympathetically.

“No. I would give my kingdom for a hot bath.”

“Wasn’t aware you had a kingdom,” Hank observed.

Officer Duncan took charge. “We don’t need to leave a ride for the forensics team. They’ve informed me that the plows are out and parts of the highways are passable. This place will be crawling with emergency vehicles, black-and-whites, and SUVs in no time. Nobody’s snowshoeing—or running through a snowbank in stilettos.” He gave Sasha’s shoes a long look. “So, partner up, and let’s head out.” He jerked a thumb toward Chance. “The criminal mastermind rides with me.”

“Do you want to drive?” Leo asked Sasha.

She looked at him as if he’d sprouted an extra head.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

After a brief but bumpy and loud trip, they reached the manor. While the others worked out who was going back for Bodhi, Dr. Graham, and Hank, John and Hatty hurried inside. Naya leaped into Carl’s arms, and Sasha ran upstairs to change into warmer, drier clothes. Maisy, Aroostine, and Leo went room to room, knocking on doors to rouse some grumpy guests.


By the time everyone had straggled in the library in various states of disarray, Hatty and John had somehow produced a platter of nut breads and cookies and a full tea service. With Sasha by his side, Leo surveyed the room. Joy wore a flowing silk robe over a pair of piped silk pajamas in a soft seafoam green. Tessa had rolled down the stairs in plaid flannel pajama bottoms and a thermal top. The others had thrown on some semblance of clothing—mostly sweats and yoga pants. Annette had brushed her hair, but in general, it was clear they’d been dragged from their slumber. Sasha and Leo’s guests were more alert, although no less disgruntled.

“Herbal tea,” Naya sniffed, eyeing the teas.

“EvenIdon’t think we should be having caffeine this late. It’s got to be close to midnight,” Sasha told her.

Naya was about to grumble a response when Carl entered the room. She took him a slice of cranberry walnut bread instead of launching into her screed. Bodhi and Dr. Graham slipped in next.

Bodhi made a beeline for Sasha and Leo. “Dr. Graham examined Grady’s body. He has no doubt: it was cyanide poisoning,” he said in an undertone.

Before Leo had a chance to respond, Paul started griping. “Did you call us here for a reason, or is sleep deprivation your newest innovative investigative technique?”

Leeza shook her head at her husband and mouthed,‘Sorry.’

Sasha took the empty seat next to Bethany, and Leo sat on her other side, next to Chance, who stared sullenly at the table.

“We’re sorry for waking you,” Leo began, “but as you can see, Hatty and John made it back, and they brought reinforcements. This is Dr. Alistair Graham. He’s the county coroner as well as Hatty’s physician. And this is Officer Pete Duncan, who’s leading the investigation.” He gestured toward Duncan, who was looming behind Chance’s chair.