Page 38 of Melody

Jesse Pike ismine.

Chapter Fourteen


Man, I’m still playing like shit.

And Sage Simpson yanking on my arm every other second isn’t doing me any favors.

Sage is the biggest flirt of the awesome foursome. Whenever the guys and I are here at the same time as her, she never leaves us alone.

I glance over to the table where Brianna sits with Maddie and Angie Simpson.

The fourth, Gina Steel, doesn’t appear to be here tonight.

Can’t say that I blame her. Some shit just came down about her family, and it’s rocked the entire town.

The Steels can handle it.

They can handle fucking anything.

They can buy their way out of emotional trauma.

“Your shot, Jess,” Cage says.

I take a look at the table. There are no clear shots. None at all.


I line up a shot that I have about a one percent chance of making. I do the geometry in my head. It could happen, and on another night when I’m playing well? I might have a better chance of making it. Tonight? I may as well bow out now.

I take the shot…

And to my surprise, my ball hits the pocket.

“You redeemed yourself.” Cage pats me on the back. “Jesse’s back.”

Except I’m not back. My next shot is an easy one…and I manage to miss it.

Cage takes his final couple shots, winning the game.

“All right, Dragon,” Cage says. “You and me again.”


“Anyone could miss that.” Sage gloms onto my arm again.

“Are you kidding me? I made one of the most difficult shots I’ve ever made, and then I miss an easy one. So no, anyone couldnothave missed that.”

“Come on.” She yanks on my arm. “Let me get you a drink.”

“No thanks,” I say. “I mean, thanks for the offer, Sage. But I’ll pass.”

She eyes my empty glass of water sitting on the cocktail table by the cue rack. “You’re empty.”

“I am. And I’m going to call it a night.” I replace my cue on the wall and walk to the bar to take care of my tab, leaving Sage at the pool table with Cage and Dragon.

Brendan Murphy has replaced Ava at the bar.