Page 81 of Melody

It’s something most other guys might not think much about, but I’m not most other guys.

Brianna Steel deserves better.

Which is why Iwillstay away from her from now on.

“Jesse, I—”

I hold up a hand. “Please. Don’t say anything, Bree. I feel terrible enough about this as it is.”

“I don’t want you to feel terrible,” she says, sniffling a bit.

My God… Please do not let her cry.

She sniffs again and seems to stop whatever sobs might have been coming. Thank God.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Are you kidding me? I took your virginity. I never meant to do that, Brianna.”

“I told you that you could.”

“You told me I could fuck you. There’s a difference.”

She shakes her head, her lips swollen and so pretty. Her hair a mass of dark brown around her milky shoulders. “There’s no difference from where I’m standing. When I said you could have me tonight, I knew I was a virgin. I knew what I was getting into.”

“Ididn’t,” I say. “You kept an integral fact from me, and that was unfair.”

“Do you ask all the women you sleep with whether they’re virgins?” she demands haughtily.

“For God’s sake, Bree.” I rub my forehead. “Admit it. You should’ve told me.”

“But if I told you, you might not have done it.”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Isn’t that the damned point? OfcourseI wouldn’t have done it. I can’t offer you anything beyond tonight. If I knew you were a virgin…”

WouldI have done anything differently?

I wanted her so badly.

But once I found out, I withdrew and went to the bathroom to take care of things myself. I only returned at her urging.

After all, she was right. The deed was already done at that point.

I still feel like a fucking heel.

What I really need is sleep. I have rehearsal tomorrow. I’ve got a tour to do—a tour that could make or break the band’s career.

The last thing I need is to get involved with a woman, especially Brianna Steel.

But I took her virginity.

There’s no escaping that now.

We’re both still naked, and she looks so sweet and innocent, gazing up at me.

There’s something in her eyes. Is it love?

Not that I would recognize love, but clearly she feels something for me. She bought me that belt buckle, and now…this.