Page 63 of Leilani's Hero

As Angel neared her door, something didn’t feel right. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention.

Three steps from her door, Angel gripped Leilani’s arm and pulled her back behind him.

She tensed. “What’s wrong?”

“The door is open,” he said softly.

“That can’t be.” Leilani leaned to one side, trying to look around him. “I closed it when I left.”

“Shh.” Angel half-turned toward her and whispered, “Go to your friend’s room. Stay there until I come to get you.”

Leilani shook her head. “I’m not leaving you. What if someone’s inside? What if you get hurt?”

“Please. Just go,” he said through clenched teeth. “I need to know you’re safe.”

She stared at him, her brow creased. “I don’t want to scare Olina’s family. If it makes you feel better, I’ll hide behind the bushes.”

He’d prefer she was somewhere inside a building with a door and walls between her and the bastard who’d been terrorizing her. But he understood her hesitancy to wake her friend and her children. “Fine. But stay low to the ground. We don’t know if he’s armed.”

Leilani ducked into the bushes several yards away from her door.

When Angel was confident Leilani couldn’t be seen, he eased toward the half-opened door and pushed it gently, widening the gap.

He slipped into the shadows of the sitting room, careful not to bump into the furniture.

For a long moment, he stood completely still, listening for sounds of movement. Silence reigned. Nothing moved in the living area. There was no place to hide there. Angel eased toward the bedroom door.

Was that a sound he heard? Again, he stood still and listened. Nothing.

Angel slipped through the door.

A big blob flew toward his face. He ducked and dove into the room as a pillow slammed into the door frame. By the time he rolled and sprang to his feet, the shadowy figure in black, wearing a black ski mask, raced out of the bedroom.

Angel ran after him.

By the time he reached the living area, the man was through the door and outside, darting to the left.

Angel flew out of the suite. The man ran around the corner of the next building, disappearing out of sight.

Angel followed. When he came around the same corner, he spied the man running ahead. He looked over his shoulder at Angel.

At that moment, Reid and Teller appeared ahead of the runner.

“Stop him!” Angel shouted.

The runner veered off the path, leaped over a bush, and making a wide circle, headed back the way he’d come.

When Angel tried to cut him off, he darted through some trees and headed straight for the stand of bushes close to Leilani’s building.

Angel ran faster, gaining on the man.

Suddenly, the man pitched forward and face-planted on the path.

Before he could scramble to his feet, Angel landed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The man bucked beneath him but couldn’t dislodge Angel from his back.

Knowing Reid and Teller weren’t far behind, Angel stayed where he was until backup reached him.

Moments later, the two men skidded to a stop beside him.