Page 58 of Leilani's Hero

Makai passed out halfway through the effort.

Angel was glad for him. The pain had to be excruciating.

Once Makai was secured in the ambulance, Leilani climbed in with him.

“I’ll follow,” Angel said.

She gave him a tight smile. “Thank you.”

The door closed between them, and the ambulance pulled away, lights flashing.

Angel ran for the rental car and quickly caught up with the ambulance. The more he thought about that spearfishing gun, the sicker it made him. If Leilani had pulled the ice chest out of the shed, that spear could have killed her.

Makai remainedunconscious during the ride to the hospital.

Leilani used the time to call his fiancée. Makai would want her there with him.

Alyssa’s phone rang five times and went to her voicemail.

“Hey, Alyssa, this is Leilani. There’s been an accident. They’re transporting Makai to the hospital. Please meet me there.” She’d thought about explaining more about the injury but figured it would be too much for a voicemail. Hearing it in person would be better. Hopefully, the doctor would have a chance to evaluate and determine a course of action by the time Alyssa arrived.

Leilani looked at the spear jutting out of her cousin’s leg, her stomach roiling. Makai was her only living relative. If that spear had gone in any other direction, it could have killed him. Memories of their childhood played through her mind like silent movies. They’d played together at family gatherings, back when their grandparents had still been alive, with their parents nearby, swapping stories about their childhoods. They’d been happy and carefree, with a bright future and love all around.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the medics helped Leilani out of the back of the ambulance and then eased the stretcher out, dropping the wheels to the ground.

Leilani followed Makai into the emergency department. After a quick evaluation by the ER doctor on duty, he was wheeled into an operating room where a surgeon was already preparing for the surgery.

A nurse directed Leilani to a waiting room.

When Angel entered the room, Leilani walked straight into his open arms.

For a long moment, she stood there, absorbing his strength.

“I’m ready for this nightmare to be over,” she murmured against his chest.

“I know.” He stroked the back of her hair. “Me, too. I keep thinking that could’ve been you.”

“Or Josh or Captain Dave,” she added. “But it wasn’t. It was my cousin. He wasn’t even supposed to be there. If they’re trying to target my business, why can’t they limit their aim to me?”

He pulled her closer. “No one should be targeting anyone. This has to stop.”

“Agreed,” she said and looked up into Angel’s eyes. “But how can we stop someone when we don’t know who it is?”

Angel opened his mouth to respond, but a voice cut him off.

“Holy shit, Leilani, what the hell happened?”

Angel and Leilaniturned to find Alyssa standing in the doorway to the waiting room. She wore a swimsuit coverup belted at the waist, damp from what appeared to be a bikini beneath it, and flip-flops on her feet.

Leilani stepped out of Angel’s arms and met Alyssa halfway across the room. “What do you know so far?”

“Just what you left on my voicemail. The receptionist at the desk directed me to the surgical waiting room.”

Angel moved to stand beside Leilani.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “He was shot by a speargun.”

“Wait...” Alyssa shook her head, her brow wrinkling. “What?”