Page 16 of Leilani's Hero

Leilani nodded.

“And now, you’re having troubles and need a little help. That makes it even worse. You don’t know who to trust. And these strangers appear and offer to provide that help free of charge.”

“That sums it up,” Leilani said.

“From what Hank told me, the guys volunteered to help. I’m not surprised. The men Hank hires for the Brotherhood Protectors aren’t used to lying around the pool, drinking Mai Tais. At least not for long. They’re used to high-octane, heart-racing operations that challenge them physically and mentally. They’ve been there two, maybe three days, and are probably bored out of their minds. They’re good men. Hank wouldn’t hire them if they weren’t. And they have skills most civilians can only imagine. If they have your back, you’re in good hands.”

Hank reappeared with a giggling baby. “I’m back.”

Sadie smiled. “I enjoyed talking with you, Leilani. Maybe someday soon, I can talk my husband into taking me to Hawaii. If we come, I’d love to meet you in person.”

“I’d like that,” Leilani said, completely at ease with the famous movie star, who was amazingly down-to-earth and pleasant.

Sadie slipped out of the chair and reached for the baby.

The child tucked his arms in and buried his face against Hank’s neck.

“Traitor,” Sadie muttered.

“He’s okay where he is,” Hank said. “Did you convince Ms. Kealoha we’re trustworthy and the guys I’ve sent her way are the real deal?”

Sadie turned to Leilani with her beautiful brow cocked. “Did I?”

Leilani laughed. “You did. Thank you for spending the time with me.”

“Good. Hank’s one of the good guys, as are the people he hires.” She dropped a kiss on her husband’s head. “I’m going to check on Emma. Don’t forget you have kitchen duty tonight.” She winked at Leilani. “Nice to meet you.” Sadie disappeared, leaving Hank and the baby on the screen.

“Told you she was the boss,” Hank said. “Are we good? Are you more comfortable with the idea of letting my guys help?”

Leilani nodded. “I feel much better.”

“Those guys are four of the ten men I sent to Hawaii to man the Hawaiian branch of the Brotherhood Protectors. They might be new to this organization, but they’re all experienced in defense, extraction and protection. They’ll take care of you and help you figure out who’s behind your troubles.”

The baby in Hank’s arms smashed his face against Hank’s and blew loud, wet raspberries.

Hank’s lips twisted. “Anytime you need me, just call. Now, if we’re done here, I have steaks to grill and a salad to chop. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Patterson,” Leilani said.

“Call me Hank,” he corrected. “Out here.” The call ended.

Leilani stared at the black screen, a smile on her face. Hank and Sadie seemed to be super nice, and the news reports she’d found had spoken highly of the Brotherhood Protectors' work.

The men hadn’t asked for money. So, why was she hesitant to call Angel and let him know she was on board with them helping her?

Could it be that because, if they were helping her, she’d be around Angel a lot more? Just the few hours she’d been with him had made her feel things she hadn’t felt for a man in a long time. He made her tingly all over. When she’d fallen into his lap, she hadn’t wanted to get up. She hadn’t wanted him to stop holding her. The strength of that desire to be held had almost been too much.

And to be around him all day would be a challenge she wasn’t sure she could handle. Especially after months of grief, of not knowing whether she had a viable business, no clue as to when she would have a home again or when they would be allowed to return to Lahaina to start the rebuilding process.

Leilani was not at a good place in her life for the complication of a relationship.

Not that Angel was signing up for that job.

Why was she getting all worked up about working with the man?

She entered his number into her contact list with his name, Angelo Cortez. After all, he was going to work with her for the next few days.

Then, he’d move on to his new job with the Brotherhood Protectors based on the Big Island. Not that far away, but definitely out of range of hopping into a car and driving over to pick her up for a date.