Page 13 of Leilani's Hero

“Now, you’re talking,” Reid said. “I can take the night shift on one.”

“I’ll take night shift on the other,” Dev volunteered. “And, if it’s okay, I’ll hang with the crew when they go out tomorrow.”

“Since the night shift is covered,” Angel said, “I’d like to ride with the other boat.”

Leilani’s cheeks reddened. “I’d like that. I’m working as a deckhand on the boat returning from the marina’s maintenance shop. I like to see for myself that it’s running properly.” Her gaze met his, making him warm inside.

Angel had to remind himself not to get too attached. They were only on Maui for the rest of the week. Then, they’d have to report to the Big Island to start work with the Brotherhood Protectors.

In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to get to know more about Maui and its intrepid inhabitants, namely one fierce but petite business owner.


The rushof heat filling Leilani’s cheeks surprised her. She hadn’t been this affected by a man in...well...ever.

Sure, she’d dated in high school and college, and she’d had lovers, but this felt different. So different, she found herself agreeing to allow these men to help her guard what was left of her tour fleet.

Had she lost her mind? She’d only just met the four guys. What did she know about them?

Not a damned thing.

Angel must have sensed her hesitation. “Just so you know, we’re not serial killers or spies sent over from big corporations to undermine your recovery efforts.” He looked around at his teammates. “I’ve served with these men on active duty or when we hired out as contract mercenaries. These guys are good men with the strongest code of ethics. But how do I convince you when you know nothing about any of them?”

“Don’t take his word for it,” Reid said. “Google an organization called the Brotherhood Protectors. You’ll find the name Hank Patterson. Navy SEAL. You might have heard of his wife, Sadie McClain?”

Leilani frowned. “That name sounds familiar. Sadie McClain...”

Dev laughed. “She’s only the highest-paid megastar actor in Hollywood.”

“But that’s beside the point,” Angel said. “Do like Reid says, google Hank, find the phone number for Brotherhood Protectors. Call. Not only will Hank answer the call, but he’ll vouch for us.”

“So?” Leilani challenged. “I call a stranger to vouch for four more strangers?” She laughed. “No. I must be getting desperate even to consider letting you help me.”

“Just call Hank,” Teller said. “He’ll know how to convince you that we’re on the up and up.”

“That’s right,” Angel agreed. “We’re all prior military special operations.” He pointed to Reid. “Tell her.”

“Navy SEAL,” Reid said.

Dev raised a hand. “Marine Force Recon. Hoo-ah!”

Teller lifted his chin. “Delta Force.”

When Leilani looked at Angel, he stood taller. “Navy SEAL.”

Her frown deepened. “My gut tells me to trust you.”

“Don’t,” Angel said. “Do the due diligence. Look us up. We want you to feel confident that we have your back.”

“More importantly,” Reid added, “that we are capable of protecting you.”

“I’ll do that,” she said. “In the meantime, our backup transportation has arrived.”

While they’d been talking, the hotel shuttle had arrived, pulling to a stop near the disabled tour bus. A large tow truck arrived seconds behind the shuttle. The guests waiting patiently inside the bus disembarked and transferred to the resort shuttle. As soon as the bus was empty, the men in the tow truck quickly secured it for transport.

The tow truck driver met with Leilani and handed her a business card. “Your bus will be at our shop. If we have the right-sized tires, our guys can replace them before the day's end. Call before you come to make sure we have the tires.”

“I will,” Leilani said. “And if all goes well, I’ll have someone swing by to pick up the bus before you close for the day. I really need it for tomorrow.”