Page 73 of Leilani's Hero

Kiana raised a finger. “Number one: Are you employed?”

He laid the box in the trunk of the car Angel had been packing. “Employed? Check. Brotherhood Protectors. You can call my boss. He’ll vouch for me.”

Leilani grinned. “He doesn’t know who he’s up against,” she murmured as Angel came to stand beside her.

“Dev’s a man who can’t take no for an answer. No woman has ever turned him down.”

“Until Kiana,” Leilani said.

“Wanna put money on that?” Angel said.

Leilani’s lips twisted into a cocky smile. “Ten bucks says she’ll shoot him down.”

“Fifty bucks says she’ll say yes.” Angel held out a hand.

“You’re on.” Leilani gripped his hand and gave it a firm shake.

Kiana was up to number three. Number two beingAre you a mama’s boy? No. Three: Ever declared bankruptcy? No.

“Do you have any children from a previous marriage or relationship?” Kiana asked.

“No,” Dev answered.

She tilted her head, her eyes narrowing. “No, you don’t, or not that you know of?”

“No, I don’t. I use protection like a religion.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “What else ya got?”

“Ever broken up with a girl over a text message?”

“No. Always in person,” his lips twitched. “Even if she’s batshit crazy and might scratch my eyes out or leave me permanently scarred.”

Kiana’s brow rose. “Did one try to scratch your eyes out?”

He shrugged. “Tried. I deflected her killer nails.” Dev pulled back his sleeve to reveal a long, thick scar. “She missed my eyes but got my arm.”

“How do you feel about kids?” Kiana asked.

“Love them,” he said.

“Oh, he’s treading on thin ground now,” Leilani whispered.

Angel chuckled. “He’s got this, I tell you.”

“I love them,” Dev repeated, “As long as I can give them back.”

Kiana nodded slowly. “Marriage? For or against?”

“For,” Dev answered.

Leilani made a motion like a plane being shot down.

Angel held up a hand. “Wait for it.”

“I’m all for other people getting married. It’s just not for me.”

Angel grinned down at Leilani.

“Oh, he’s good,” she said.