Page 55 of Leilani's Hero

“Late last night, I heard someone ran into one of your tour boats yesterday. I wanted to call you then, but it was already pretty late, and I didn’t want to wake you.” He gripped her shoulders and stared down at her. “Are you all right?”

She nodded. “I am.”

“Anyone hurt badly?” he asked.

Leilani shook her head. “Nothing more than a few bumps and scrapes. The boat took the worst of it. It’s in the shop. Hopefully, they’ll fix it right up. My crew can’t work without a boat. And now, the crew for this boat called in sick. That’s why we’re late getting started.”

Makai clapped his hands together. “What can I do to help? I have the day off. I can go with the boat and hand out life vests and drinks.”

Leilani leaned up on her toes and brushed a kiss across his cheek. “Thank you for caring. If you really want to help, you can take the cart to the shed, grab the two big ice chests and bring them down to the dock for me.” She handed him the key to the lock on the shed. “Josh is on his way here. Between Josh, Reid and me, I think we can take care of every challenge that arises.”

“I would love to help out,” Makai said. “I’m on the water every day, all day, but on a board. It would be nice to experience the water from a boat I don’t have to drive. And it’s been a long time since I’ve been snorkeling. I could help your guests see the amazing sea life here on Maui. But I wouldn’t want to be in the way.”

Leilani smiled. “I thought you spent every day surfing.”

Makai grinned. “Not every day.”

“From what Alyssa told me, you have a major competition coming up soon. How does she feel about having you play hooky from training?”

“Shh,” he said, raising his finger to his lips. “She doesn’t know I’m here. She thinks I’m surfing.”

Leilani shook her head. “If she asks me where you are, I’m not lying for you.”

Makai nodded, a smile tilting the corners of his lips. “Deal. Now, where are those ice chests?” He glanced around. “Oh, yes, you said something about a shed."

"The shed is where we store supplies, scuba tanks, apparatus, wetsuits, and toiletries. It’s also where we store our ice chests.” She pointed to a row of sheds between the docks and the parking lot. “It’s the second one from the left. I’m going to toss stuff in the refrigerator and then join you at the shed to see if there’s anything else we might need to take with us today.” She handed the key to Makai.

He turned and headed for the shed.

Leilani moved the sandwiches to the refrigerator.

Angel laid the bags of ice in the bar sink.

“I’m going up to the shed,” she said, leaving the boat.

Like a shadow she couldn’t shake, Angel fell in step with her. She reached for his hand.

He took it and held it firmly.

Ahead, Makai had reached the shed. When he raised his hand with the key to unload the door, he paused, frowning. “Hey, Leilani, was the shed supposed to be locked?”

Leilani shook her head. “Yes. Why?”

“It’s not locked now.” Makai stood to the side so Leilani could see for herself. “In fact, there’s no padlock.”

Angel stepped between Leilani and the shed. “Stay back and let me look.”

Leilani gripped Makai’s arm and pulled him back a few steps.

Angel pushed the door inward and peered inside.

Leilani stepped up beside him. “What? No boogieman?”

“Nobody hiding inside,” he announced. “Looks like a shed full of supplies, scuba and spearfishing gear.”

“That’s what it is,” she said, moving forward with every intention of grabbing one of the heavy ice chests.

Angel gripped her arm, bringing her to a halt. “We’ll load them.” He pushed past her and grabbed one of the big chests. As he stepped out of the shed, Makai entered and grabbed the other chest.