Page 78 of The Dark Arts Duet

There was a large white bed opposite from the hot tub with an endless pile of pillows on top of it. Metal chains hung from the ceiling, ending in white leather cuffs at various points over the bed. The bed itself was a four poster, the posts made of a sturdy gleaming steel.

There seemed to be endless ways to tie someone to Ari’s bed.

The floor was a blond hardwood, but it was nearly covered in white fur rugs so only a few inches of floor peeked from under them at a time. Small white pillows were clustered in a haphazard pile around the fireplace.

“Undress, please,” Ari said. “Boots, too.” His words were directed to Saskia, but Quill removed his shoes as well to avoid tracking anything onto all of Ari’s fine rugs. Ari also removed his shoes, but Saskia was the only one among them who was to be nude.

She wondered if Ari’s hands had been on her at the club when she’d been locked inside the birdcage, or if he’d stayed back and watched. She didn’t ask because she doubted either of them would tell her.

Quill looked back and forth between Saskia and Ari as if searching for some clue in a great mystery. He seemed to find whatever it was he was looking for.


“Yes, Master?”

“I’m going down the hall to play with Ari’s pet. You will stay here and do whatever he asks of you.” He didn’t frame it as a question, but something in the cadence of the sentences made it play that way despite his best effort.

“You aren’t staying to watch?” She felt her skin heat when she caught the smirk on Ari’s face at that.

“Not this time,” Quill said. “You’re in good hands.” His gaze shifted to The Viking. “I’m sure we won’t have a misunderstanding like last time?”

Ari shook his head. “No, Kane. We’re good. Besides, where would I take her? We’re already at my house.”


Quill shut the door softly behind him. He left his shoes behind in Ari’s room.

The Viking moved closer and began to unbutton his shirt. He tossed it onto a chair near the door. He left the pants on for now, but hooked his thumbs into the front pockets as if it were the only way he could control some wild thing inside him that wanted to devour Saskia whole.

He was so tall. Quill was tall. The two men were close to the same height, in fact, but Ari’s long blond hair really did make him look like a warrior off an ancient battlefield. As if to put a finer point on it, a faded angry scar slashed across his chest.

Saskia reached out—unable to help herself—and traced the scar. She drew back immediately as if burnt, remembering Quill’s sharp rebuke when she’d touched him without permission.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“It’s quite all right,” Ari said. His smile was easy. There weren’t a million cunning calculations going on behind those eyes. Not like with Quill. It seemed that every man she was with was somehow an easier or better option than Quill, yet in spite of all sound reason, Quill was the one she wanted to be close to, and she felt that every man’s bed he sent her to warm was just another way to keep her out of his heart so she could be kept at an emotional distance.

Saskia’s attention went back to the scar on Ari’s chest. “How did it happen?”

He chuckled. “I got that little souvenir when I didn’t listen to a safe word during edge play. As soon as I untied her, well... this is what happened. She had a few issues and was off her meds, but I still deserved it. And I knew she was off her meds, so shame on me for that, too. I took advantage from start to finish.”

“Oh. It wasn’t your pet?” It could very well be his pet, but the way he spoke made it seem more casual.

“No, just someone I was playing with for a night. Don’t worry. I learned my lesson. And I have a harsh reminder every time I look at it. It won’t happen again. It’s one of the reasons I was so concerned that you were truly there at the club of your own free will. I didn’t mean to try to take you away from somewhere you wanted to be or from someone you wanted to be with. I never should have doubted Kane.”

Oh, no, those instincts were good.But aloud she only said, “It’s okay.”

Ari moved closer. One hand cupped the back of her neck drawing her forward. He kissed her forehead. “You sayRed, if you need it. Just like at the club.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Are you hungry?”

She looked uncertain.

He laughed. “Food. I’m asking about food, doll.”

“A little,” Saskia admitted. Dinner felt far in the distant past.