“I do, but not for me; for this thing,” she snapped. “Let them take her. I have to go collect my real slave.”

“He’s already been delivered and restrained in your apartment. We took care of that for you since you did the double auction. You’re free to take this one and go.” The Main Master’s eyes flickered to me, but he held the same expression she had: distaste.

“Great. Fine. Let’s go,weakling.” Stilettos clicked against the floor as she took off at a fast pace. “If you so much as try to run, I’ll immobilize you and spill your blood right on these hideous cement floors. You’d be smart to keep your mouth shut and hide from me as much as you can. Your life literally depends on it.”

The dark-haired woman kept talking as she stormed ahead. The fact that I still wore the sheer white robe should have made me feel insecure, but I was over anything but the fear of the woman’s words. She was going to kill me. Maybe not right now, but soon. Today. Tomorrow. I was going to die, and one wrong move on my part would seal my fate.

Sniffling, I tried to stop the sob that wanted to come. The sound had me almost colliding with her as she spun and got an inch from my face. Shaking was taking over her body and her eyes were abnormally round with pure evil. She was beyond angry. She was livid and no doubt wondering if I was even worth going another step for. I collapsed to my knees, trembling as I stared ahead blankly. Isn’t that what our training taught us to do? Kneel to heal. Kneel…or be killed.

“Stand up.You’re a woman. How are you so weak?”

I obeyed, rising back to my feet. As I took in her words, I tried to understand where they came from, but I couldn’t. Weak? I was scared. She meant to kill me. I was taken from my family. Poked, prodded, sterilized. Was I not allowed to show emotion at the crescendo of my fate? Everything had led up to this exact moment, and I couldn’t numb myself enough to hide it.

“I better not hear another sound out of you. Not one.”

She left me there, the clicking of her heels against the cold cement floor had me racing to catch up. Snot ran down my lips while I wiped it away. True to her order, I refused to sniffle again. The tears still came, but I didn’t mimic the heartbreak. I got on the elevator, keeping my head lowered. Being invisible, just like she wanted. Maybe if I were stronger, I would have run and invited certain death, but she was right. I was too weak for that. I didn’t want to die. Not yet. After whatever this woman had planned, I might come to regret that.

The elevator opened and a voice stopped my new Mistress in her tracks as she began to exit. “You’re…No way. I’ll be damned. You’re that actress. The one who played Kitty Swanson in that one flick. Charlotte. What’s the last name. One minute, it’s right there. Charlotte—”

“Did you not read the rules? We don’t go by names here. I’m sorry,who are you?”

The sourness in my Mistress’s tone was back at the man’s gawking. My stare shot up to the older woman. She had to be in her mid-thirties despite she really didn’t look like it. Me, I appeared every day of my measly seventeen years. But an actress? Is that why she felt so familiar? Had I seen her before?

“I’m Master seventy-one. I’m Norman Free. I was at Whitlock before it went to shit.”

“That tells me nothing. You know who I am.Whoare you?”

We finally left the elevator to come to stand next to a balding man in his fifties. He had a slight wheeze, and his nearly purple nose was peeling, but he seemed in decent shape. “Oh, I’m no one. Not like what you mean”

“You’re here. You have to be someone.”

“I have money. Billions. All stocks. That sort of thing. Nothing much to brag about.”

“I see.” My Mistress stared, unimpressed. “I guess what they say is true. Moneycanbuy you anything. Nice meeting you, seventy-one. Remember, outside of here, you don’t know me. Let’s keep it that way.”

His smile fell and his top lip peeled back angrily. I rushed to catch back up as a curse left my Mistress. She slammed the side of her fist into one of the apartment walls, not slowing until we passed a good ten rooms.

“People should learn to keep their mouths shut. I’m notherwhen I’m here. Not to them.Not ever.”

She put in a card, pushing the door open. Her eyes searched the space, clearly looking for the other slave she bought. I followed behind, still giving her distance as she swept into the bedroom. At her smile, I watched her transform completely. The straightness of her full lips curved up, and her face softened from the hard angles of her high cheekbones. When I took another step forward, I regretted it instantly. Light green eyes shot to me, and I was clearly looking at the most attractive guy I’d ever seen in person. Brown hair was on the shorter side, and he could have easily been an actor himself. His shoulders were wide, and muscle was thick and defined over every inch I could see above the gray sweatpants he wore.

As fast as his eyes came to me, they left, dismissing me as the no one I was. My Mistress’s glare was back on me, but she was heading to him, lowering to kneel before his shackled frame.

“You did good. The weakling doesn’t exist to you. Not until I say. Do you understand?”

The man rose to his knees as if he were under some sort of spell, not able to go further because of the shackles restraining one hand and one foot. “Yes, Mistress.”

“You see no one but me. You love me.Adore me. I’m the only one who means anything to you, and you obey my every need and desire. With you, I will lack for nothing. You promised to worship me. It’s time to begin.”

Mistress B-0003

“Get in or else you get shackled.”

The words repeated in my head as fingers trailed through my wet hair. I could so clearly see myself pushing the blonde inside the closet, not able to look at her another second. My stomach had flipped at the action, and I had tried to block out all emotion. It would take a little time, but I wouldn’t feel bad for my behavior. I had a role to play. Being a Mistress was new. I was the owner of slaves now. To remain at the Gardens and get what I wanted, this had to be done. The less I had to look at her, the better.

The weakling may have not been my first choice for a virgin, but truthfully, looks had nothing to do with what I needed. Sure, she was pretty and young. Still, it wasn’t her beauty I desired. I had my own appearance to worry about, and with her, I’d finally get what I dreamed. Not just a wise tale about the fountain of youth, but a craving I had for as long as I could remember:blood.

To feel it on my skin was power. It was lust. To be soaked in it…a fantasy, but not for long. Would it be adrenalizing like I’d heard? Blissful like with the blood masks? I liked that, but I’d never had one from a virgin before. It was supposedly a stronger sensation. What had Jillian called it: a high like no other? Yes, I needed it all, but in time. First, the masks as I allowed myself to adjust to this life, and then…the important part.In the meantime, I would stay as detached as possible. To both of them.