Fingers ran over my stomach, dipping between my defined abs as she went even lower. A sound left me, and I knew I was rock hard as I stiffened. That touch…and coming from Charlotte Wyce of all people. It was like an explosion to any common sense I might have had left. And her perfume: it reminded me of a soap I’d been gifted once from my roommate’s girlfriend. Cherry almond but with extra spice. It was so foreign to smell anything outside of food. It was an assault to my senses, but in an intoxicating way. It opened cravings I hadn’t felt in forever. Needs. Wants. How I managed to force out my question, I wasn’t sure.

“If you buy me, do you plan to kill me?”

Teeth bit into her lip and she straightened. “I hope not. That will be entirely up to you.” She looked over her shoulder towards the guard. “Privacy.”

Only seconds went by before the sound of mechanics filled the space and the door closed. Big blue eyes met mine, and for the life of me, I couldn’t break my stare and be the slave I needed to be. She was back to making a path with her fingers over my stomach, lowering enough to trace the length of my cock with her fingertip.

“I was encouraged by other Mistresses outside to use you how I want. As if fucking you right here would make all the difference in my choice. It won’t. What I’m looking for from you is a lot more, but I do want to test you out, slave. I’m going to ask you a list of questions. You’re going to be honest with me or I move to my next choice. I don’t have much time, and I won’t waste it on someone who’s not a good fit. Do you understand?”

My heart slammed hard in my chest.Hope. Hope. Hope. It hammered into me with every beat overriding the voice that almost never left. No death…just her and whatever she needed me to do…if I passed her test.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She gripped around my cock, swirling over my head to collect the pre-cum so she could stroke smoothly down my thick length.

“Do you like women, slave? Sexually?”


“What about me? Do you find me attractive?”

My eyes widened in disbelief. She was Charlotte fucking Wyce. Who hadn’t jacked off to her movies or pics online? I sure as hell had, countless times, even if she was a good ten-to-fifteen years older than me. Couldn’t she see my cock? Feel it? Fuck, I didn’t want her to stop. My training would have encouraged this as good behavior.

“I do. I.” Words disappeared as she slightly increased the speed.

“What is your favorite movie of mine?”

Thinking was beyond me as I closed my eyes. The pleasure was too much. The sensations were like a wave of euphoria I never wanted to leave. Instinct was all I had.

“Beneath the Fire. Hands down.” I moaned, trying to continue. “It was the only movie I really saw you embrace. You were unbelievable in the others, but that one…that one you shined in. You liked your character. You were her.”

Her hand stopped, and my throat nearly closed as I opened my eyes and met her hard stare.

“Impressive.” She glanced to the door a bit confused or surprised, but she turned back to gazing into my face. “You see through me more than most. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.” Hesitation. “That movie wasn’t very popular.”

“It should have been. You were a goddess in that film despite the hardships your character faced. You lived them with her. I think even a part of you died at the end with her as well.”

“A goddess…I like that. You may be right.” Her hand squeezed but loosened and began stroking again. “You’re more normal than I thought you would be. Or…more aware. I need a slave I have chemistry with. One who can read me. Who can get into a routine and make me happy. A slave who sees me. Only me. How loyal are you?”

Death, this room, or property of Charlotte Wyce? Was it even debatable? She didn’t need a slave if all she was looking for was an obsessive companion. She could have had her choice on the outside world for free. Even in my muddled, broken state, I knew something wasn’t right. There was a catch somewhere, but did I care if it got me out of here alive…with her?Her. Her.

My shoulders squared, mirroring my internal thoughts, and maybe she picked up on it as well. “You won’t find anyone more loyal. Or in awe,” I said under my breath. “I would be lucky but honored.”

Saying the words and knowing they were the truth, a part of me felt lighter. It felt right. With my admission out loud, it was as if I handed myself over to her completely.

“Honored. You’re good with words, but I’ll expect you to prove that loyalty to me over and over in more ways than you can imagine. Let’s start right now,” she purred.

She pulled the dress to rest at her hips, lowering her matching panties high on her thighs so my cock could rest just inside the silk. I couldn’t tear my gaze from her smooth pussy as she rubbed it against me. The stroking increased while she teased the head over her clit. Her free hand grabbed my shoulder, gripping tightly as she took me back deeper towards her entrance. My fists clenched and sweat covered my body as the ecstasy became overwhelming. Right now, she wanted loyalty in the form of my cum, plain and simple, and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to deny her. I couldn’t on so many levels it made my head spin.

“Prove yourself to me, slave.” She moaned. “Give me your honor. Your loyalty. Show me how much you want to be mine.”

She was so wet and hot as she stroked me faster against her. A part of me far back in the distance knew this was wrong. The nagging even tried to break through the lust, but I pushed it so far away, I prayed it’d never return. A good minute or two went by as my hips rocked with her strokes. I could hear both of our sounds growing. I was right there, being triggered as her juices soaked me. More time as the caressing and whimpers warped my mind even more.Me. Her. Me. Her.Together. As hers. Loyal.

“Fuck. Fuck, Mistress. I. Fuck.” My cock thickened as she reached up and pulled against the back of my neck, bringing my mouth to hers. On contact, cum shot so hard from me, my knees almost gave out. I didn’t even remember what it was like to have an orgasm, but here, now, I never wanted to forget. For the first time in almost a year…blinding hope soared through. Real hope. And emotions. They engulfed me, dragging me into a thick fog as the voice spoke a mantra in my mind.With her.For her. Her. Us.

“Yes. Yes.” Whimpers followed her spasms as she jolted from the sensitivity. I was still rolling the waves of my orgasm, and Charlotte’s panties were already filled with my cum, just as I suspected she’d planned.

“Mistress, buy me.” My forehead lowered to hers as her body sagged into mine. It was forbidden for me to ask anything of her, but I couldn’t help myself or shake the feeling as if we were meant to be together. As if…I belonged to her. I did, didn’t I? The voice claimed I did. The voice said I was hers, and it couldn’t be wrong. Panic. It hit hard at the thought of us not being together after this. “I’ll do anything you want.I’ll worship you.Protect you. You can have every part of me. Anything, Mistress. I’m yours completely.”