It was a question but not one I expected to be answered. It didn’t stop him from tripping over his words as he went to turn to the side of the stage. When he saw guards blocking his exit, he rushed to the back, but I had him before he got far. And like his assault, I repeated them, grabbing his neck and slamming him to the wooden slats beneath us so hard, the man’s mouth opened, trying to suck in air.

“Did you think you’d have her? Have what was mine?” My fist crushed into his nose with more strength than I was aware I even harbored. I hit again, and again, feeling the solid structure give way underneath the blow to his cheek. His tooth broke off under my next punch, but I didn’t pause. Months of repressed fury exploded inside me. It built with each connection I made.

Arms and legs flailed while images blinded me. Images I didn’t even know existed in my mind anymore. My college came into view, quickly followed by a life I barely remembered. One that didn’t seem real. My mother came in a flicker of colors. Her, when I was a child, training judo with my stepdad. He’d been screaming in my face, and I was trying so hard not to cry. I saw her after I’d fallen out of our tree in high school when I attempted to rescue my cat who’d gotten stuck up there for two days. She even appeared to me the day she dropped me off at Yale. Her smile, her tears. They were there, and then gone. I saw the bar I bounced in. Fights. Laughter. I saw the men standing over my bed as I came too from whatever drug they’d slipped me at the party. Guards. Medical staff. Beating after beating. Video after video. Doctors. Bruised knees from kneeling. The training. The training. The training. I saw black silk and the way my Mistress had it fitted over her hips as she stroked my cock. Her smile. The fear. Fear. Fear…If she was afraid, what if she didn’t come back? What if she didn’t trust me to protect her? Alone. Here. Without her?Never.





I kept going, decimating crunchy flesh. Bones were breaking through the skin. My fists were bleeding, but I couldn’t stop. The questions. My own fears. They mixed with his gargling as I moved to the groin area, kicking and stomping with everything I had. Touch her? Rape her?Fuck no.With what? Nothing. He wouldn’t have anything left by the time I finished. She was mine. If anyone got the privilege to touch her, taste her,be in her, it was me. Only me.

A monotone hum of his pleas was barely recognizable through the mush before me. Hips caved under my force as I made sure to cover the entire area. I circled him, looking for more. Needing to prove myself without any doubt. I stood over his body, triggered as his unrecognizable face twitched. The action activated me, sending my boot to stomp his face with crushing force. Over and over, I felt the structure of his skull cave beneath my weight. Bone punctured through his swollen, broken skin, turning him even more unrecognizable as I didn’t stop.

I moved to his throat. To the beginning of his chest. Blood was covering my arms and smeared over the material, soaking parts of my white shirt. I kept looking for more places to destroy. Kept needing to find more ways to show my Mistress where I stood. On how I’d protect her to the extreme. No one would stand a chance against me. I’d care for her. Love her. I’d defend her.Kill for her.

A soft hand settled on my bicep causing me to slow and stop. Silence filled the city. Not even music played anymore. So many eyes were staring right at me. Again, I wiped the sweat, smearing the blood over me with every touch. I was absolutely covered in it from head to toe. Trying to breathe, I forced myself straighter, kneeling on one knee next to my Mistress as I stared down the crowd. Her hand settled over my shoulder, showing her support. They had to see. They had to know Mistress Charlotte Wyce was off limits, and if they thought otherwise, they’d have to deal with me.

This was the beginning of something I couldn’t lose. If my Mistress didn’t exist to be here with me, my life was literally gone. Suddenly, that didn’t seem as important as keeping her happy and mine. Death was easy. Death was absolute. Not having her was unbearable to even comprehend.

“Take it in everyone because if you don’t, this could very well be you. We have rules for a reason. Do not bring your outside life into this place, and think twice before asking anyone about theirs. Let’s pride ourselves on privacy and respect everyone else’s.” Elec put his hands behind his back as he faced them again. “On another note, while I have you here, for those who bought tickets to the ball, doors open in three hours. If you signed up for the human hunt, it starts at midnight. If there’s nothing else, I’m late for dinner.”

He didn’t even wait for questions. The man bounded down the stairs, immediately surrounded by his High Leader and four other guards holding automatic weapons. It was as if this first public death hadn’t phased him in the least. Charlotte tugged me, and I let her lead me down to the surrounding apple trees below. When we were behind one of the trunks, her hand came up to wipe blood from my face. She didn’t speak, but she didn’t have too. Her eyes were dilated, making the blue almost black. Although she was shaky and appeared out of it, she searched my depths, trying to read me. She was worried and concerned over where I was in my head, despite that I could tell she wasn’t normal in hers. I didn’t speak either. I still wasn’t sure I could as I took her deeper amongst the trees to hide us. Her kiss was automatic. It was rattled, but what I could only assume was grateful.

“Home.” She held to me tighter, pressing her breasts into my shirt, but she wasn’t letting go. Tightness hugged so firm I didn’t think there was an ounce of space between us. Somehow, clarity dawned, and I eased her free, stealing one more kiss before I stood up straight. She swallowed hard, nodding as her arm linked through mine and we headed for the city. Back through the crowds that were already beginning to part for us as we walked through, and back to the one place I’d come to love and need.Ourhome.


Freedom for the slave in me was invigorating, confusing, and yet after a few hours it became calming. The silence without the chains was nice. I could feel myself lose the constant state of fear I seemed to live in. Between the Mistress I knew that wanted me dead, to the male slave who had his sights set on me, it was hard to let the fear go. Although they had different reasons, they both wanted my blood. After the days of us getting into our routine, the tables had seemed to turn. At least for my Mistress. Her anger was still there, but she’d calmed for the most part, content to have my blood for her face and not something more. It was the male slave I had to watch out for. There was something not quite right with him. Maybe it was the programming he’d undergone through the training, but when he took on the mission to protect his Mistress, he meant to do it to the death. If not his, then it would be the threat. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could afford to stick around after the knife incident.

As I sipped the water by the sink, I let all the possibilities of my fate play out. My time was limited no matter what plan I concocted. Outside wasn’t safe, but neither was here. I could wait out my time inside this apartment and continue my duties as the Mistress’s blood slave, or I could try to escape. There had to be somewhere I could at least hide. But hadn’t my Mistress been attacked while outside these walls?

I took a gulp at the frustration. When it came to size, I was lacking. Anyone out there would take one look at me, and my fate may be worse than here. They’d kill me or rape me. The stories had been endless from the guards during training. If I hadn’t seen the proof of my Mistress’s attack, perhaps I would have thought it was a fear tactic, but they spoke the truth. If I left here, I wasn’t safe.

A low beep had me looking up. Water and glass exploded around my feet as I stared over at the opened door in horror. Blood smeared my Mistress’s cheeks and around her mouth. Her big eyes were hidden behind heavy lids. Ones she kept shutting. She looked euphoric or in some sort of daze. Crimson had soaked the blouse to fit against her breasts and there were smears down her pants. I’d overheard the Main Master talk about the execution, but I had a suspicion she hadn’t participated in the actual death of the man who attacked her. No. All that blood was fromhim.There was so much blood covering his entire body. Even his clothes were saturated to the point of fitting wetly against him. Light green eyes fixated right on me, and it was as if I were staring in the eyes of a rabid bear. He was still in kill mode, and he was ready to attack.

Swallowing hard, I stepped from the sink. The Mistress shut the door, but the slave hadn’t moved mere feet within the barrier. He stood, staring…glaring.

“Clean it.”

The Mistress’s head swung to look between us. She was so out of it. His words seemed to get her attention as she gazed in my direction. I grabbed the roll of paper towels, diving to the floor.

“I’m so sorry, Mistress. You both startled me. I.” I stopped as it wasn’t her who came around the side, but him. Frozen, I cautiously stood, searching out the one person who I prayed would help me. Hadn’t she seemed to soften to me? Hadn’t she been a little nicer lately? Yes, I’d just been thinking about that.

The bloody blouse was pulled over her head and she let it fall to the floor. The slave was suddenly watching her as she began to undress and head towards the bedroom. Was she leaving me with him?


She slowed at my call, scanning over my face. The smallest tug pulled at the corner of her lips as she looked right at the male slave. She reached forward, grabbing a small remote.

“It’s time. Welcome to our climax. Allow me to cue the music.”

An eerie tone began to fill the space. It was a haunting instrumental with violins and other string instruments I couldn’t decipher. A chill went down my spine and instinct drove me to try to sprint to the front door. A large arm wrapped around my waist while the male slave’s other hand fisted in my hair. I went wild, kicking my legs and trying to rake down his face. With the way he held me, I couldn’t get a good enough angle to where I could do damage.

We headed through the bedroom not even pausing as we headed for the bathroom. I screamed as I reached out, clawing and holding to the frame of the door with everything I had. For the briefest moment my hold held, but with a hard jerk I was back to clutching at air. At nothingness. And then I saw it. My Mistress was lying in the empty, over-sized, clawfoot bathtub that rested next to the shower, nude. There was no water on. She wasn’t even looking at us. There was a lustful void in her eyes. She wasn’t here. She was in her own internal heaven from the blood and death she’d already been a part of, and she wanted more.She was ready for me.