“It’s my fault she was attacked, Main Master. I wasn’t there when she needed me. As part of being a protector, I feel I failed my Mistress. Can I handle this for her?”

Elec turned his attention to me. Whether he approved or not, I couldn’t tell. His face was blank, but his thoughts were far from empty. He was iffy about my slave. Wary. Or maybe it was my relationship with him that bothered the Main Master. Was it the tattoos or my slave’s need to so easily commit murder for me? I didn’t know as they all stared.

“Mistress, please. Allow me to show them why they need to stay away from you. I want to do this. We both know I need to.”

Nineteen met stares with Elec and the High Leader shrugged, glancing back towards me.

“If your slave wishes to hold the weapon that ends this, it’s fine with me. Mistresses need to make their mark in this world. This might be the only way. It’s imperative that Masters see you hold every ounce of weight they do. Even if that is through the hand of your slave. It’s the only way equality will build and keep this place running in anything close to harmony.”

Elec looked skeptical of the High Leader’s thoughts, but ultimately nodded.

Eighty-eight kneeled at my feet, staring up, begging with his eyes.

“Mistress, please.”

“Fine, but I will be standing next to you through it all. They have to know it’s because of me, and they need to see if they do something like he did, it could just as easily be their life ending.”

“It’s decided.” Elec nodded. “At the end of the main road there is a stage. Be there at five tonight. You can choose your method then, slave. If either of you don’t show, we’ll take care of it for you. Good day.”


Becoming a murderer was a status that had never crossed my mind. It wasn’t a position one welcomed or looked forward to or even wanted. As me and my Mistress stood on the stage at the end of the outside city, I knew I was going to embrace my new role as killer like a badge of fucking pride.

On a large projector that beamed behind us cast the Master’s sins for all to see. From it starting with his hand accidentally knocking into her as he spoke, to him reacting to something she said as she walked by. As my Mistress shook her head and continued, his fingers buried in her hair, ripping her off her feet. The way her body bounced off the road at his slam was enough to make me see red. But then he started kicking her. Charlotte managed to scramble to her feet, but the back of his hand connected with her cheek, and she crumbled to the ground. It was then that I went from seeing red to black. He dragged her out to the center of the road, pulling at her pants to try to remove them. Only then, she stirred and started to fight in earnest. She managed to break free, but I didn’t see her round the corner and run towards the shop like it showed on the film. My brain had locked in on her fear, and that’s where my mindset stayed as I paced the stage, waiting for the Main Master to give the word.

As Elec eyed me, he also was explaining the rules to the crowd. Rules they apparently already knew.

“You’re all going to learn very fast that things you got away with on the outside world or at Whitlock do not apply here. Money will not save you. It may get you your darkest fantasies, but if you cross a line with Masters, Mistresses, or their property, death is the only thing waiting for you. Excuses won’t help. Explanations will almost surely not be enough. Let me make this clear to those who knew him; I amnotBram Whitlock. I will not risk this place falling because of unruly Masters, Mistresses, or even guards getting out of hand.”

He continued. “This life can be simple or complicated. It’s up to you. Keep to your business, have your fun, but have respect and watch what you do. If you don’t…” Elec gestured behind him to the man who was restrained between two guards. “You will die.”

Master seventy-one, Norman Free, was just as my Mistress described, hours earlier. He was in his fifties, balding. He was in decent shape, but he was no match for me. His shoulders jerked, and just like in the video, he had a constant mask of anger darkening his features.

The Main Master’s stare came to me as he turned and headed in my direction.

“Did you choose a weapon?”

Charlotte shifted a few feet away at the Main Master’s words. My head shook.

“I don’t want a weapon. I’m going to kill him myself. Just like he hurt her.”

“You’re going to beat him to death, is that your plan?”

I tore my gaze from Master seventy-one.

“Is it forbidden?”


I glanced back to the screen, seeing the beating repeat in a never-ending loop. That fear on my Mistress,on what was mine…it had my muscles flexing repeatedly as I fisted my hands.

“Then I choose myself. Me. I’m the weapon.”

“I believe you are.”

The tone had me breaking my stare, but Elec was waving his hand, and the guards were dragging the man over. It happened so fast that my rage exploded to the forefront ready to be unleashed. The handcuffs were taken off, and I pointed right at his face.

“You did that?”