I was at a loss. I couldn’t do anything for her. I felt terrible because I couldn’t take away the pain she was in. If there was a way to trade places so I could shoulder that burden, I sure as shit would have. Nikki had warned me, but until the pain began, I just didn’t get it.
“Yeah, babe.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I knew she wasn’t herself. I couldn’t hold this against her.
“I’m being a total bitch. I don’t mean to be. I need drugs.”
“You’re doing fine. I don’t think you’re being a bitch.”
I kissed her. After being in labor for over fifty hours, most of which was while we were at home, I think I’d have rather kissed a dragon. Her breath was awful. I’d never tell her that, of course. The vows were for better or worse. I’d just chalk that kiss up to ‘for worse.’
It took just a few seconds before the next contraction tore through her, turning her back into a demon.
“Fucking fuck, Hunter.” Her grip on my hand rivaled what I would have expected from Jeff. I gritted my teeth and used the breathing technique to get myself through it.
“Take a deep breath, baby. You should have a few minutes before the next one.” I made the mistake of not realizing the waves were getting closer.
“I hate you right now. You’ll never get your dick anywhere near me again.”
I tried to pull my hand away from her, but the grasp she had tightened like a vise grip.
“No, motherfucker, you aren’t leaving me. You stay in here. You did this to me.”
I tried so hard not to laugh, but I couldn’t help it. She was cursing up a storm. She never cursed except occasionally during sex. It was so funny to hear her spewing so much venom. Needless to say, she didn’t find it nearly as amusing as I had.
I was finally saved when Dr. Allen came in and checked her dilation and decided she was ready to begin pushing. Or so I thought.
“Give me a good push, Jackie.”
I held her hand so she could use it for leverage. My other hand stroked her disheveled hair.
“Get your hands off of me.” Her teeth were held so tight together they should have shattered under the pressure. And the glare she shot in my direction was pure evil. I pulled my hand back and refused to touch her again.
“Another push, Jackie, on the next contraction. He’s really close.”
“I fucking am.” I know I shouldn’t have felt better that Dr. Allen was on the receiving end of her wrath, but misery loves company. At least I knew it wasn’t personal.
With the next contraction, Jackie screamed loud and squeezed the hand she had refused to let go of. Then, we both heard a small whimper, followed by a wailing cry. Our eyes met and we knew. That was our baby.
“One more small push, Jackie.”
She pushed and I looked over to see what was going on. The placenta landed in a receptacle, and our baby’s eyes and throat were being cleared. The sight of the placenta blob made me feel like I was going to yack.
“Congratulations! It’s a boy.” The nurse wrapped him in a blanket and took him over to the incubator and worked on him where we couldn’t see what was going on.
“Is everything fine? Is he okay?” I asked.
“Ten fingers, ten toes. He looks good so far,” Dr. Allen replied.
My vision had blurred so bad I could hardly see. I had the perfect family. We had a daughter and a son now. I sniffled several times, then looked at Jackie. She looked worn out. I kissed her, dragon breath and all.
“I love you, darling,” I whispered.
“I love you too.” Her eyes closed.