Page 53 of Intertwined Hearts


I had turned in my two-week notice when I arrived at work. I was on vacation for the next two weeks and wouldn’t set foot back inside these walls. I kept putting the personal items I’d collected over the past several years into the box that was sitting in the chair. This didn’t seem real.

I was turning the pages in my life. My new chapters were going to be filled with so many new adventures. Jackie and I would start with our marriage in a couple days. I couldn’t wait for her to officially be my wife. I’d been waiting for this day since I met her at Jeff and Nikki’s rehearsal dinner.

We were going to take the next three days to be away by ourselves one last time, before our lives would change forever. When we got back home, our little girl would come home. Our little Elisa. What a little beauty. My heart was filled with love for her. She was perfect. I thought I wanted a little boy, but when I saw her, I knew she was the one. And she ran to us immediately, like she had been waiting for us to walk into her life.

A few days after Elisa was settled into our home, we’d be attending the grand opening of my new business partnership with Jeff.

It all seemed like a dream. The best dream ever.

The sweetest icing on the cake was the news that we’d be having a baby. It had been a long shot. The treatments by Jackie’s doctor were the reason this miracle was happening.

“Man, we’re going to miss you around here.” I looked up and saw my supervisor standing in the doorway. “I wish you the best. Just know, if anything changes, you always have a job here.”

“Thanks, Stan. I really appreciate that,” I said.

“I mean it. Let’s just classify you leaving as an extended leave. I’d bring you back in a heartbeat. Guys like you are rare. You’re a really good dude.”

“You know I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You’re like a second father to me, Stan. And this place, well, it’s been a great place for me to work.”

“All right, enough of the sappy shit before one of us gets all teary-eyed. What would the others say if they saw either of us with fucking tears in our eyes?”

We both laughed. “You speak the truth. They’d never let either of us live that shit down.”

I leaned back and sat on the edge of the desk I’d shared for the past seven years.

“Make sure you bring the wife and kid by every now and then. We’d love to see you all.”

“Sure thing. And I’ll bring the new baby by too.”

“You’re adopting another one so soon?” Stan asked.

“No. Jackie just told me she’s pregnant. I know she didn’t want me to tell anyone, but I can trust you not to say anything. And I’ve been dying to tell someone since she gave me the news. We’re both so happy. We never thought this would happen. Not so soon anyway.”

“Congratulations, man. Good things happen to good people.”

“Thanks. I guess I better finish packing up and get out of here. Will I see you at the grand opening and the reception?”

“There’s not one fucking thing that could keep me away.” Stan held his hand out to me. I reached out to shake it, but pulled him into a man-hug instead. We were a lot closer than the normal boss-worker relationship. He really was like a second father. He had spent a lot of time making sure I was confident and ready to move into management. I owed a lot to him.

“See ya around, kid,” Stan said.

“See ya. Thanks again, for everything.”

Stan gave me a quick wave, then turned and walked out of the office. Lou, my peer, would have the space all to himself after today.

It didn’t take long for me to grab my box of personal items, lift it into my arms, and leave for the very last time. I couldn’t wait to get home to Jackie.

Chapter 40


“Are you ready, Son?” my dad asked me. “You’re completely sure about this?”

I nodded my head. “I’m ready. She’s definitely the one.”

“Good. That’s what I was hoping you’d say. If you weren’t one hundred percent sure, I think we’d have needed to talk a bit.”