Someone had inserted a hammer into Flora’s head and was merrily smashing it into her skull.

She opened an eye. The room was dusky.

There was movement beside her and then Alejandro sat on the bed. He was fully dressed.

He touched her forehead. ‘You okay?’ he murmured.


He grinned. ‘There is water and painkillers on the bedside table.’

‘Thank you,’ she whispered. ‘What time is it?’


She tried to lift her head, but, ow!

He chuckled.

The noise made her wince. ‘Don’t,’ she moaned.

‘Sorry,’ he said in a completely unapologetic tone.

‘Where’s Benjamin?’

‘With Sinead.’

‘I should get up.’

‘You should sleep more,’ he said firmly. ‘Water and sleep are the best cures for hangovers.’

‘Thank you for looking after me.’ She had vague memories of him helping her to the car, helping her into it, helping her crawl out of it, helping her navigate the stairs to their room, then helping her undress.

‘De nada.’

She bit her lip as another vague memory filtered through her heavy head of trying to get him to make love to her and him kissing her forehead and telling her to go to sleep. ‘Did I embarrass you?’

The grin returned. ‘No.

She sighed. ‘I’m sorry.’

He leaned over and kissed her. ‘Don’t be.’ Then he grinned again. ‘Twenty-four and suffering your first hangover.’

‘And my last.’

Still grinning, he gave her another kiss. ‘I have to go.’

Her mood went from hungover but happy to hungover and miserable in an instant.

‘Now?’ she asked, trying not to sound too forlorn about it.

This was his first business trip since his early return from Las Vegas.

‘I have meetings in Athens at midday.’

But it’sSunday, she wanted to howl.

Hotel casinos didn’t have the same working days as normal businesses.