She smiled and stroked his cheekbone. ‘Because when you’re not being a vengeful bastard, you’re actually pretty wonderful, and you make me feeleverything.’
He gazed at her with wonderment. ‘You’re my life, do you know that?’
Yes, she thought dreamily, shedidknow that. ‘And you’re mine.’
He kissed her. ‘I love you.’
She kissed him back. ‘Always.’
‘For ever.’
THECATHEDRALSHONEbrightly under the summer sky. With her father’s help, Flora got out of the limousine, being careful not to trip over the train of her ivory wedding dress. Camila, dressed in a baby-blue bridesmaid dress, got out of the car behind with Benjamin and her daughter Ava, who were pageboy and flower girl, and somehow managed to herd the two toddlers to the cathedral door to wait for the bridal party’s cue to enter. Only Ava reacted to the flash of the paparazzi cameras, cheekily sticking her tongue out while simultaneously waving at them.
Flora’s divorce two weeks ago had been front page news in the Spanish tabloids and the top trending item on social media. She was quite sure her subsequent remarriage that day to the same man would beat it for coverage. She might even buy some copies of the papers and magazines herself, for posterity. Something to show the grandkids.
The cue came.
Flora took hold of her dad’s arm and planted a kiss to his cheek. He might be a useless, cheating deadbeat but he was still her dad and she now lived in hope that one day he might become less of a cheating deadbeat. If her brother could turn his life around then anyone could.
And there was her brother, right beside the groom, waiting for her. The path to forgiveness had turned out to be surprisingly easy. Alejandro being Alejandro, when he set his mind to something he didn’t stop until he achieved it. His mind had been set on finding forgiveness and understanding of his old friend. They would never have the friendship they’d once shared—and Flora wouldn’t want them to have that one, thanks very much!—but it was a friendship all the same and for that she was content.
As she walked down the aisle, giving a discreet wave to Louise, Justin’s pregnant fiancée, she felt a kick in her belly. It was such a special moment that she stopped and put her hand to her stomach so she could feel it under her palm.
It happened again.
She hurried her movements to Alejandro and, as soon as she was standing beside him, she forgot all propriety and put his hand to her belly so the man she loved could feel their child kick for the first time too.