“Okay. So, you’re clearly not happy to be here, so let me just lay it out there. Kiera’s back. We’re together. I’m bringing her to Leesa and Chris’s wedding.”

Her head snapped back as if he’d slapped her, then she hissed. Seriously hissed like a snake. “Is that so?”

“Yes, it is.”

Her lip actually curled at the corner and, did her eye just twitch? Holy shit, it was almost like she was possessed. He braced himself in case her head spun completely around.

“Well, that’s just fucking fantastic. First Harold tells me he’s not happy and now you tell me your disappearing goddess has reappeared and you’re going to shove that bitch under my nose at MY daughter’s wedding.”

“Our daughter.” He swallowed. “Nothing I can do about Harold. And I have no intention of shoving Kiera under your nose. I simply wanted you to be aware, and I want you to know that I expect you to be civil to her and about her.”

“Oh, you’re a peach, David. You want me to be civil?”

“Yes. I want it and expect it. Our daughter is getting married and has been planning this day for a long time. I have always been respectful to Harold, and I expect you’ll do the same for me. And Leesa.”

“I’ve had quite enough of this.” She tossed her napkin on the table and stood. “You have a lot of nerve, David.”

Turning on her black high heels, she marched out of the restaurant so rigid she could have been a statue.

The waitress finally came, and he ordered two lunches to go. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he texted Kiera.Have you eaten lunch yet? I can bring something over and eat with you if you’d like.

It didn’t take long for her to respond.What happened to your lunch with Rita? And, no I didn’t eat yet. And yes, lunch sounds great.

Lunch was short and uneaten. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes


“How do I look?” She’d spent a long time getting ready for this dinner with Leesa, Chris, and Mattox. That was something she seldom did, and she hoped he would be happy with the results. Her stomach lurched as she walked to the kitchen. He’d begun making supper while he encouraged her to soak in a warm bath and relax. She was a lucky woman.

Whistling low he walked to her with a smile on his gorgeous face. “You look fantastic.” He kissed her lips then stepped back and twirled his finger, signaling that he wanted her to turn around.

She did as he asked and blushed at the same time. When she faced him again, the look in his eyes said it all. He looked hungry and not for food. “Damn Kiera, you look simply stunning.”

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Thank you.” Glancing at the vegetables laying on the counter, she asked, “What can I do, boss?”

He nodded to the refrigerator. “Why don’t you pour us each a glass of wine. Then we’ll finish prepping the veggies together.”

“That I can do.” She giggled and grabbed the bottle from the fridge. She poured them each a glass and replaced the bottle. She handed him his glass and held hers up for him to tap. A silly little tradition, but one she’d grown fond of. She hoped she’d be tapping her drink glass to his for the remainder of her days.

“Do you think Rita will have poisoned them against me?”

“No. Not without looking like a shrew. She may make a comment here or there, but that’s why we have them coming over, so they can meet you. Are you ready for their tough questions?”

Swallowing that persistent lump, she nodded. “It’ll be hard, but not as hard as living it, so there’s that.”

His brows furrowed and his eyes roved over her face. “I don’t want this to be hard on you, but they’ll be concerned and want to know why you left all those years ago. You don’t have to go into explicit detail, just give them the fifty-cent version. The rest will come over time.”

Yeah, she could do that. “Okay.”

The doorbell rang, then the front door opened. “We’re here, Dad. Kiera.”

A stunning woman with dark hair, much like her father used to have as well as his deep blue eyes, entered the kitchen carrying a chocolate cake on a cake platter. Her perfect teeth were framed by the most alluring dimples. She reached for her father and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for a hug. Watching David hug his daughter tightly made her eyes water. What she wouldn’t give to hug her own daughter. She’d give even more to have David hugging their child to him instead of another woman’s child. She had to stop these dark thoughts. They served no purpose.

“Kiera, honey, come and meet my beautiful daughter, Leesa.”

She walked forward to greet Leesa, unsure if she should hug her, shake her hand or just say hello when the younger woman made the decision for them both. Wrapping her warm arms around her, Leesa pulled her in and hugged her. She whispered in her ear, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kiera.”

Squeezing Leesa and ever so grateful for this greeting, she whispered back, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Leesa.”