They walked into Harry and Mary’s house a little before five-thirty to find Mary bustling around in the kitchen. Harry was in the living room resting in the recliner. His strength still wasn’t where it used to be, and he often took little catnaps.

“He thought he would need a nap to endure everyone’s excitement tonight. He’s been excited all day about your news and didn’t take a nap earlier, but it finally caught up with him,” Mary said, looking toward the living room.

“Gray, get yourselves something to drink and sit here with me while I finish up supper.”

Gray walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine and looked at Sam. She nodded, and he pulled two wineglasses from the cupboard and poured.

“Mary, is there anything I can help with? I hate to have you both going to so much trouble on the spur of the moment.”

Mary reached across the counter and grabbed Sam’s hand. “I’m almost finished with everything. We’re having a light meal with sliced roast beef and turkey sandwiches, potato salad, and chips. Nothing too fussy. Just sit, you’ll have plenty to do in a short while.”

He handed Sam a glass of wine, tapping his to hers before he sat next to her and opposite of the counter from his mom. Harry ambled in a few minutes later and patted Gray on the back as he walked past him. He leaned in and kissed Sam on the cheek and sat on her other side.

“Are you two ready for this?” He chuckled.

“I’ve been ready for this my whole life,” Gray said, leaning forward to look his dad in the eye.

Sam turned her head to look at him and grinned.

He watched her expression for signs of panic, but only saw love shining back. It seemed too good to be true. “You know, we haven’t talked about who will be standing up for us. Do you know who you’d like to stand up with you?”

She shrugged. “Well, it depends on how big you want it to be. If you want everyone included, then I would want all the girls: Tammy, Ali, Sarah, and Eva. So, if you wanted the boys to stand up with you, it leaves a boy without a partner. If we decide on friends, then I’d like Pam as my matron of honor and Jessie as a bridesmaid.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

“I would like Jamie and Caleb to stand up with me. They‘ve been with me through thick and thin. The kids will always be our children and a big part of us. Jamie and Caleb will too, but they were there through all the bullshit with Suzanne and afterward when I was pulling the business together and moving on. Jamie and I have always been close, but after Kathy had died, Jamie and I were inseparable. We needed each other, and we were there for each other all the time. I want Jamie to be my best man.”

When he first divorced Suzanne, he’d felt lost. It wasn’t because he missed her, but for the first time in a long time he could do what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it. Ethan was with him, but Ethan was more interested in going out and doing things with his own friends. He simply didn’t know what to do with himself. Jamie and Kathy and Caleb were with him through it all.

“Yes, that seems perfect, Gray. I’ll have Pam as my matron of honor and Jessie as a bridesmaid. I’m going to call them right now.”

She got up to walk into the living room, but he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her. “I love you, beautiful.”

“Iknowyou do andIlove you!” She tapped on her phone as she walked into the living room. He listened as she chatted with her friends on the phone—her giggles and happy voice made him so proud. He glanced at his mom and smiled when she winked at him.

Sam walked back to the kitchen as the back door opened and Ethan and Eva walked in. Right behind them came Gage and Tracie. As the others drifted in, they joined everyone else in the hugging and the offerings of congratulations to Gray and Sam. After they’d settled in and had a drink in their hand, Jamie opened the back door and walked in holding hands with Jessie!

The room went silent. Jamie and Jessie stood silently for a few beats, and finally, Jamie said, “I’d like you all to meet Jessie.” Sam ran over to Jessie and wrapped her in a hug. Jessie giggled like a schoolgirl.

“So,he’sthe mystery man?” Sam motioned her hand toward Jamie.

Jamie’s smile spread across his face. “I met Jessie when you were in the hospital, Sam. I think we owe you a thank you for getting hit by a truck. It caused us to meet each other.”

Jessie excitedly filled her in, “It was the day you finally woke up, and I walked in and yelled at Gray for making you scared that he was leaving. Jamie was there too. We visited with you for a while, and he left. A while later I left, and Jamie was waiting for me in the hall. He asked me out, and we’ve been seeing each other since then. When you called me a few minutes ago, I thought you had figured it out somehow, and that’s why you asked me to stand up with you.”

“No, I asked you to be my bridesmaid because you’re one of my best friends, and I want you with me when I become Gray’s wife.”

Jessie hugged Sam again and turned to the room. Mary walked up to her and hugged her, as did Dani and Sarah. The guys all waved and said hello. Jamie and Jessie got drinks and Mary announced that they should all grab something and head to the dining room. Everyone did as they were told and sat down to eat.

The mood was light and jovial, and just as they were finishing up, Gray looked at Jessie. “Do you want to hear some stories about Jamie when we were growing up?”

Jessie snickered, “Absolutely.”

Gray glanced at Jamie a sly smile on his face and Jamie said, “Touché.”

Gray proceeded to tell Jessie stories about him and Jamie, mostly Jamie being naughty. Everyone had a good laugh at Jamie’s expense.

As soon as they were finished eating, each person took their dirty dishes and leftover food into the kitchen.

Mary said as loud as could to be heard over the merriment, “Refill your drinks and head into the living room—we have a lot of work to do.”