Tank made himself scarce, though Gray spoke with him each day, checking to see if the police had found Cheryl. It had already been five weeks, and Cheryl was nowhere to be seen.

He glanced over at his new wife and smiled as she watched with rapt attention as their plane descended to the runway in Harmony. “Where are you, Sam?”

She chuckled and turned to lock eyes with him. “Still on our honeymoon. It was absolutely the best trip I’ve ever been on, Gray. I loved having you to myself and spending every day with you. Thank you again for such a wonderful surprise.”

He laughed. “You’ll be with me every day for the rest of your life, Sam, count on it. But, it’s you that should be thanked. That was the best trip I’ve ever been on. In all of my dreams of finding my soul mate and honeymooning with her, I never could have dreamed what we just experienced. It was beyond wonderful.”

A couple hours later, Tank pulled into the driveway of their home. It was Sunday morning, and they had about three hours until they were expected at Gray’s parents’ for lunch to see everyone and tell them about their honeymoon.

David was there when they walked in and greeted them both with smiles and hugs. David asked them to sit at the kitchen table so he could update them on the activity since they’d been gone. He watched Sam shuffle around the kitchen, making drinks for everyone—iced tea and water—and settle at the table next to him to hear what David had to say.

Basically, the police had frozen Cheryl’s accounts, so she had no money. Amanda was singing like a bird to save her own hide, and she knew the names of a couple of friends that police have spoken to and were also watching to see if they might be helping Cheryl.

Right now, things kept working as they had been before the wedding. They would have security always, and the family members now had security systems in place at all their homes. Tammy and Sarah were to be very careful when taking the kids anywhere, and preferably, not alone. Either Josh or Cole needed to be with them when they go with the kids, or they were to call one of David’s people to come with them until the threat of Cheryl was over. Harry and Mary had the security system and still had someone on the premises staying with them since Cheryl had already proven she wasn’t afraid to go there. It was unlikely she would return after destroying the roses, knowing they were likely onto her. But, given her state of mind and possibly feeling as though she had nothing to lose, anything was possible, so they wanted to be vigilant always.

Sam was tired and headed to the bedroom to take a nap. He smiled as he watched her little ass round the corner and down the hall. Unable to control himself, he rose from the table to join her. He closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of the bed to slip his shoes off. He turned to lie down next to her and saw she was smiling.

“What are you smiling at?”

Sam sighed. “You. I was just thinking it’s too bad we can’t have children together—they would be beautiful.”

He turned onto his side and rested his head in one hand brushing his fingers along her cheek with the other.

“I’ve thought about that so many times, Sam. I’ve been mad at God for not allowing us to meet when we were younger. I would love to see you swollen with my child. It’s one of the things that makes me sad to think about.”

“Aww, Gray, thank you for that, but please don’t be sad. God did allow us to meet and we’re good. We can’t be angry at what could have been. Let’s just enjoy what is now and look forward to our future together.”

She kissed Gray softly and sighed.

He pulled her tightly to him and closed his weary eyes.

A couple hours later, they were driven into his mom and dad’s driveway. He looked over at her, a grin on his face. “Ready?”

She giggled. “Ready!”

They walked hand in hand into the house and were the first family there. He enjoyed that—he liked being first and having his mom and dad to himself for just a few minutes before the craziness started. Once Lily, Lincoln, Abby, and Dodge arrived, it was hard to carry on a conversation. They hugged his parents and took seats at the counter to regale them with tales of Italy. Mom pulled out wineglasses from the cupboard and held one up to him; he nodded. Harry shook his head no, so she pulled out three glasses. She poured them each a glass and handed them over and began cutting up vegetables for lunch.

Mom furrowed her brows when Sam offered to help cut vegetables. Gray chuckled and kissed the side of his wife’s face. She always offered.

“So, tell us about your honeymoon, kids. Where did you go? What did you do? The PG version, please,” Mom teased.

He laughed, and Sam blushed a bright red. He began telling his parents all about Italy, the villa they stayed in, and the wineries they toured. Sam interjected where appropriate, but mostly she listened. He was so happy to be sharing this with them after all they’d all been through.

Soon, the other Kinkaides arrived. Sam’s boys and their families were considered honorary Kinkaides now, so they were all there as well. So many hugs, kisses, and much excitement. They handed out the gifts they’d purchased in Italy. It was fun to watch family members receive their gift and hear the story of why he and Sam thought it would be perfect for them.

After an hour or so, Harry, Gray, and the men went out on the deck—with Tank in tow—to grill the chicken and enjoy some “man” talk. The girls stayed inside to set the table and talk.

The weather was perfect this time of year. August in Harmony, Wisconsin could sometimes be sweltering, but today it was a balmy eighty-three. He leaned on the rail of the deck next to Jamie, looking over the gardens when something caught his attention from the side of the house. He glanced over and saw Sam walking toward the SUV. He straightened as he watched her open the door and then close it, a small bag in her hand—the necklaces they’d purchased for Lily and Abby.

A phone rang. He recognized it as Tank’s, but he only half listened as he watched Sam peek into the little blue bag, a soft smile on her face. She looped her fingers through the blue loop on the bag and began walking toward the house.

“When. How long?” Tank brusquely walked to the deck rail alongside him. He quickly ended his call and ran toward the edge of the garden.

Jamie yelled, “No. Stop her.”

Gray spun his head and saw Cheryl running from the back of the gardens toward Sam. He took off running toward Sam, his heart racing, the blood rushing from his head as the glint of metal in Cheryl’s hand caught his attention. Sam turned toward him, almost as if in slow motion, the smile slipping from her serene face then her eyes rounded a split second before he heard the loud bang.

He jumped and tackled Sam, and the two of them fell to the ground, a burning sensation in his chest as more banging rang out. He heard something crack and the breath whoosh from her lungs. The commotion behind him faded to the background as he realized Sam was struggling to breath. He rolled to his side, so he wasn’t crushing her, and he groaned at the pain that shot through his body and took his breath away. He heard Sam yelling at him, calling his name.