They heard some chuckles, and she glanced over at Pam, who was wiping her eyes and grinned back at her.

They said their vows, exchanged rings and the pastor said, “You may kiss your bride … again.”

He reached over and put his hand on the back of Sam’s head, his other hand went around her waist and pulled her close. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed, tasting each other, loving the feel of the other, tongues searching and reaching. Neither of them cared they were in church in front of all their family and friends. They heard people cheering and more than a few whistles.

He lifted his head and grinned. “You’re my wife, Sam.”

She smiled back. “Yes, that sounds wonderful. You’re my husband, Gray. That sounds even better.”

Pastor Jay cleared his throat and introduced them. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Kinkaide.”

The congregation clapped and whistled again. Gray leaned down and kissed her once more.

Harry joined them on stage. He cleared his throat and smiled at them when they pulled away from each other. He kissed her on the cheek and shook Gray’s hand.

“Congratulations, you two.”

He winked at her and turned to face the congregation. They watched them, their brows furrowed—they hadn’t rehearsed this. Gray just smiled and winked.

“It’s tradition in the Kinkaide family to wear the mark of your soul mate, your spouse. The mark is your spouse’s initials on your left forearm.”

Harry rolled up his sleeve to show his mark. There were some sighs, and a few people clapped.

“Typically, the newly married couple …” he turned and looked at Gray “… waits until they’re on their honeymoon to get their marks. But, Gray couldn’t wait.”

He smiled and everyone in the congregation who knew what Gray and they had just been through chuckled.

“So, I stand here to introduce you once again to Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Kinkaide and ask them to unveil their marks.”

She glanced at the smile on Gray’s face and shook her head. She handed Pam her flowers and began pulling off her fingerless gloves to show her mark to the congregation.

Gray glanced down at her arm and swallowed. “It looks perfect on you, baby.”

She smiled. “I think so, too.”

He shrugged out of his jacket and finished rolling up his sleeve showing his arm to the congregation. Loud cheers rose into the air.

After they had greeted their guests in the reception line, they went up front to take pictures. Gray wanted a special picture taken. He asked her, Dani and Nick, Harry and Mary, and Sarah and Cole to come up on stage. The photographer had Harry sit on a chair and Mary on his lap. He had she and Gray to their left and a little behind them. Dani and Nick were to the right and slightly behind Harry and Mary. Sarah and Cole were in the middle behind Harry and Mary. The photographer instructed them all in what he wanted.

The husband should put his left arm around his wife and hold her left hand, showing their marks. He wanted them to lean in so he could get a picture of the married couples with their marks. Then, he wanted just she and Gray, standing outside the church on the grounds, with the woods behind them. There was a slight breeze, so her dress billowed out perfectly. Gray stood behind her, took her left hand with his left hand and they showed their marks. They looked down at them when the picture was taken. It was sure to be another great picture—one that Gray said he wanted to have enlarged and hung above the fireplace in their living room.

The reception was a happy occasion. Sam had worried throughout the day that Cheryl would show up and ruin it, but so far, the security team hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her. They were all dressed like guests and blended well, but always on the lookout. They had opted out of a Grand March and decided to have a dance for all the couples in the family instead. They danced with each other first.

“What a fabulous day, Gray. I couldn’t be happier. I’m a married woman now.” She glanced around and then whispered. “Rumor has it, my husband is going to ravage me later when we get home. I’m beyond excited.”

He nodded. “Your source of information is correct. Your husbandisgoing to ravage you.”

He twirled her on the dance floor. “We’re not going home tonight, Sam. We’re leaving here in about an hour to get on a plane. We should start saying our goodbyes.”

Her brows raised. “We’re getting on a plane? I didn’t pack anything, Gray. Where are we going? How long are we going to be gone?”

He laughed. “We’re going to be gone for two weeks. I’m not telling you where we’re going. You’ll have to wait and see. And, I told you, I would pack for you. Everything is on the plane. I have a client who owns a private plane, and his wedding gift to us is the use of it.”

“Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

Gray kissed her forehead. “Say goodbye to everyone so we can leave. I’ll come with you. I need to be alone with you … soon.”

Tank drove them to the airport, pulling into a private hangar. Tank stepped out of the SUV first.