“If you guys want to come in the back, we’re ready for you. Darren and I are going to do your tattoos.”

Gray shook Dave’s hand and introduced Sam. She shook Dave’s hand and followed him to the back where Darren was finishing the setup of their stations. They were directed to chairs that looked like padded chaise lounges. They sat facing each other, and the chairs were positioned so they could hold onto each other with their right hands. She was a little nervous, yet excited. Gray was just excited. He winked at her as he sat back into his chair; his fingers sought hers and held tight. The stencils were placed on their arms, and they were asked to look at them and make sure they were in the perfect spot. Both agreed they were perfect and the machines started. Tank watched from the corner, and every occasionally, he would walk over and wink at her and nod at Gray.

At one o’clock, she was in the changing room at church with all the girls as they dressed for the wedding. The excitement in the room was palpable. Her hair was done—she’d done it herself. Her makeup was applied. Sarah had wanted to do it for her and did a beautiful job. It made her look ten years younger with smoky eyes and the green of her irises popped with the silver, gray, and champagne colors Sarah used. She wore fingerless gloves to hide her mark until they were pronounced man and wife. She didn’t want to put her dress on until just a few minutes before she walked down the aisle, so she helped everyone else with their hair and dressing.

The photographer walked in and asked if he could take a few pictures. He took pictures of her helping the girls with their hair—pictures of each family member and the bridesmaids. So many she couldn’t wait to see them.

At one-thirty Mary told her it was time to get her dress on. She removed her robe and stepped into her dress while Pam and Jessie held it for her. She slipped the straps onto her shoulders, and Jessie zipped the back. She turned to the mirror and had to blink fast to keep the tears at bay; she didn’t want to cry her makeup off so soon. The room was quiet. She turned to look at everyone and saw the emotions on their faces.

Mary held her hands over her heart. “Sam, honey, you look so beautiful.”

“Thank you, Mary.”

Jessie bubbled with joy. “Oh. My. God. I can’t wait to see the look on Gray’s face when you walk down the aisle. Please wait until we get all the way down so I can watch him.”

Then Jess turned to the photographer. “Make sure you have the camera on Gray’s face when he sees Sam. It’ll be priceless.”

The women laughed. There was a knock on the door, and Jax stepped in.

He looked at her and froze. “Holy hell, you look amazing, Sam!”

She laughed. “Thanks, Jax.”

He raised his brows and cleared his throat. “Um, it’s time.”

She nodded and smiled. “Thanks, we’ll be right up.”

He nodded and backed from the room.

Mary walked over to the long white box she had brought in earlier. As she opened the lid, the aroma of roses filled the room. She pulled the flowers carefully from their resting place, one grouping at a time. She and Dani had worked on the flowers last night after rehearsal. The gorgeous corsages were purple and champagne roses, mostly buds, but delicate and perfect. The baby’s breath tucked into them allowed them more size and the purple ribbons trailing from them added color.

She walked to Mary. “May I pin your corsage on you?”

Mary sobbed. “Oh. Yes, please.”

Carefully pinning the delicate flowers to her future mother-in-law, she swallowed the sob fighting for attention. “Thank you so much, Mary, for these beautiful flowers and for making all the flower arrangements for everyone today. They’re beautiful.”

Mary nodded, tears shining in her eyes. She reached into the box and pulled out her bridal bouquet. Her breath caught in her throat—it was stunning! There were seven champagne roses nestled together with baby’s breath interspersed, and five purple roses tucked in between the champagne roses. The long stems were wrapped with a champagne colored ribbon to hold them all together, and the ribbon trailed all the way to Sam’s knees.

The only thing she could say was, “Oh …”

Mary patted her shoulder and whispered, “Don’t say anything. The look on your face is enough, and we don’t want to cry off our makeup.” She swiped under her eyes. “My friends came to the rescue when I called upon them. The grower who had the champagne roses in the first place overnighted me these for you. My gardening friends are so very special.”

Mary kissed her cheek and turned to give Pam and Jessie their bouquets, consisting of three long-stemmed roses—two champagne and one purple—with baby’s breath. They had purple ribbons wrapped around the long stems, and the ribbon trailed to the hems of their dresses.

They each hugged Sam and walked from the room leaving her with Jessie and Pam for a couple quiet moments, while they waited for the girls to take their seats.

She let out a long breath. “I’m getting married in a couple of minutes, you guys.”

Jessie jumped up and down. A squeal pierced the air.

Pam hugged her tight. “You deserve to be happy, Sam. I love you, and I’m so damn happy for you. I’m happy for Gray, too. He’s getting a fabulous woman.”

She hugged Pam back, wrapping her arms tightly around her best friend, the woman who had been with her through thick and thin. “I love you, Pam. Thank you for being there for me all of these years. When I needed you, you were there. I’ll always need you in my life, though hopefully, all the sad days are behind us. I’m so happy you’re with me today when I marry the man of my dreams … my true soul mate.”

She turned to Jessie. “Jess, thank you for being here with me, for being my friend. Thank you for all of your advice and encouragement over the years. I love you.”

Jessie took a deep breath. “Dammit, Sam, you’re making me cry.”