Sam pushed herself up. “I’m great.”

He chuckled. “Let’s go clean up in the shower and take a nap.”

She slowly stood up and let the blood flow into her legs again. He held her hand as they walked into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, then turned and hugged her while they waited for the water to warm up.

* * *

After a short nap, they dressed and walked out to the kitchen to see if there was any news. Harry and Mary were in the living room watching television.

“Did you have a nice nap?”

“Yes, we did. How about you?”

Mary smiled. “Yes, it was lovely. I love all those girls with my whole heart, but I tell you, listening to them all talk at the same time gave me a headache.”

She laughed. “God, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.”

Gray addressed Shane. “Any news?”

Shane shook his head. “No sign of her anywhere. Her car was found at the airport. But that could be to throw us off. It’s not very original, so we aren’t banking on her having left. Her bank accounts have been frozen, so she’ll need money soon. Amanda can’t think of any friends that she could call for money or shelter or help her in any way.

“Amanda had surgery yesterday and is doing well. Police have a guard outside her hospital room. We don’t know if she was more deeply involved than what she’s already told us.”


At seven o’clock the girls began arriving. The men floated in as well since most of the guys were coming with some of the women. It was fun, and the mood was light, despite discussing Cheryl and all that weirdness. They hoped the police would get her soon so no one else would be in danger. The support given to them was a testament to the solid family unit and close friends they had. He’d be forever grateful to David for coming to their aid.

As soon as all had arrived, he ushered the men downstairs to his man cave. It wasn’t all that he wanted it to be, but there was time for that. He was beginning to feel more motivated to finish the projects he’d failed to finish before. Now, he wanted the perfect home to share with Sam, and he’d work night and day to make that happen.

“Can you still play cards, Gray, or have you forgotten how?” Jamie teased.

“I can play. Put your money on the table and start dealing.”

Jax laughed. “Deal me in; I haven’t played poker with the old man in years.”

Ethan joined in, and so did Sam’s sons. Harry opted to sit out and be the advisor.

Around eleven o’clock, Harry snuck upstairs to call it a night. Gray softly stepped up the stairs from the basement and into the kitchen. He felt relief that the women were all in the living room, then he spied Sam walking to the bedroom. He slowly followed behind her, and she stepped into the master bathroom and closed the door. He sat on the edge of the bed, facing the door, content to wait for her and steal a kiss and a squeeze.

He heard the water run and soon after the door opened. She jumped when she saw him staring at her. A slow smile slid across his lips. “Boo!”

He stood, walked toward her and pulled her in for a hug.

“I snuck up here to take a peek at you. We all heard the hoots and hollers downstairs, and I wanted to see what the commotion was about. As I got to the top of the stairs, I caught a glimpse of you walking back here. Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Sam grinned. “We were watchingMagic Mikeand cheering for the sexy men on screen. Glad you came back here, I was missing you.”

He kissed her and held her body to his for a few moments. The soft, clean fragrance in her hair soothed him and made him think of a warm, summer day.

“I have to get back downstairs before I’m missed. I’m winning in poker down there. The bathroom has been in constant use with all the drinking going on, so I decided to come up here and use this one.”

She giggled. “I’ll leave you to it, Mr. Kinkaide. Love you.”

She swatted him on the ass, and he watched hers sway down the hall, then heard the girls whistle and coo when she entered. He chuckled and stepped into the bathroom.

As he entered the living room, Cole, Ethan, Nick, and Jamie had ventured upstairs. They turned toward him and laughed.

“Are you conceding that I’m the poker champion?”