Mary gave it right back to him. “I’m not so old that I can’t appreciate a handsome young man, Harry.”

Even Shane and Nancy chuckled at them.

“I see a black SUV pulling into the driveway. It’s probably that handsome Kent Logan,” Harry bit out sarcastically.

Sam laughed. Gray did as well. She loved watching him laugh; he was impossibly handsome. He looked down, caught her staring at him, and he pulled her to him in a one-armed hug. He kissed the top of her head as they listened to Harry and Mary answer the door. They saw his ID and let him in. They introduced themselves, and Kent asked if he could have their phone for a moment.

“Kent Logan here, badge number 89256.”

Shane responded, “Thanks, Kent. Why don’t you bring the Kinkaides here? We can keep them safer here than over there. We’re stretched pretty tight right now. Have them bring clothes in case they need to stay overnight.”

“Will do. See you within the hour.”

The house was filling up.

A while later, Nancy announced, “Your parents are here, Gray.”

Sam and Gray walked into the living room toward the door.

Shane halted them. “Sorry folks, have to ask you to stand back.”

They both nodded and stepped back. Shane opened the door for Harry and Mary.

“What the hell is going on, Gray?” Harry was flustered.

After his heart attack, they didn’t want to get him riled up. They hugged the senior Kinkaides and motioned them into the living room.

“Why don’t we sit and we can tell you all about it.”

Gray got them both drinks, and they all sat. He proceeded to tell them everything.

“That bitch cut my flowers down! When I see her, I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.”

Whoa! Mary said bitch!

Gray leaned forward. “If you see her, Mom, you are not to approach her, do you understand? She’s dangerous.”

Mary looked at Sam, tears shimmering in her eyes. “Sam, honey, the flowers for the wedding are ruined.”

She mustered up a smile. “The important thing is that she didn’t come into the house and hurt you and Harry. That’s all that’s important. Maybe there will be some flowers we can salvage; we’ll see when it’s safe to go and look.”

Mary swiped at her tears and nodded.

About a half hour later, the second security detail arrived. She explained to Mary that they would have additional security on them today. Shane let them in and introduced them.

“Sam, Gray, Mary and Harry, this is Rachel Gerrity and Shauna Jackson.”

They shook hands as the introductions were made. Both women were very pretty and on the small side. They didn’t look like security at all, but Shane and Nancy reassured them that these gals were a force to be reckoned with. Oddly, she felt secure with these gals. The way they held themselves told her they meant business.

Sam glanced at Mary. “Are you ready to go?” Mary nodded and turned to hug Harry goodbye.

Sam hugged Gray to her, squeezing him tightly. “I love you, Gray. See you later.”

He planted a kiss on her lips that threatened to melt her panties. When their lips parted, her face burned bright red.

“Get used to it. I love you, I love kissing you, and I don’t care who sees it or what they think. Understand?”

She nodded, still embarrassed and not sure if she could turn around and face everyone after that kiss.