He looked at Sam, and she laughed. “That he does.”

She turned to David. “I’m supposed to meet the girls at ten for shopping today. Is that still okay or do we need to make some changes? Do you think they’re all safe? If I tell them to go ahead and shop for themselves, will they be okay?”

David glanced at Tank, and they both shrugged.

“You know, Sam, we’re not sure what Cheryl is willing to do. So far, she hasn’t approached anyone else in the family that we know of and after stabbing Amanda last night, I’d say she’ll probably lay low. She’s after you—and possibly Gray. We have two female security guards coming with you today, so they’ll blend in and look like they’re shopping with the rest of you. They’ll hawk you like crazy. The others should be safe with them there. I doubt Cheryl would approach you to harm you in public. She would risk too much to do that, especially after stabbing Amanda. If she was watching her apartment at all, she’ll know police found Amanda and that she may be talking. She could have left the area for all we know.”


After cleaning up the dishes, Sam went to the bedroom to dress for her shopping trip with the girls. When she came back out to the kitchen, Gray stood and hugged her tight.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I wanted this wedding to be fun and exciting … not like this.”

She leaned into him and inhaled his fresh scent. She’d grown to associate the scent of him as home and that’s the way she liked it. “I know you didn’t plan on this, Gray, and I certainly don’t blame you for it.”

He exhaled. “Good, because I’m blaming myself enough here.”

She tilted her head back to look into his handsome face. “Why in the hell would you blame yourself? You couldn’t have known any of this was going to happen, Gray!”

He leaned forward. “It’s because of me that she’s after you.”

“Actually, I think it’s a combination of finding out that Tim killed her husband and then finding me with you. So, both of us are at fault.” She rubbed his back.

David looked up. “Gray, hang tight with me, man. Hopefully, the police will find her soon. They’re looking high and low. Thankfully, it’s Saturday, and the office should be closed. If anyone was planning on going in, why don’t you give them a call or email them to stay home today?”

There was a knock at the door, and she jumped. Gray turned and pulled her behind him in one swift move. David held his hand up and shook his head. “It’s our relief. Tank and I need to get some sleep. We napped a little during the night, but we won’t be any good to you without some shut-eye. Just in case, stay over by the fireplace.”

Tank stood and put himself between them and the door.

“It’s Shane and Nancy,” David replied as he looked at the security screen on the wall. He opened the door and let them in. They’d previously met Shane, but not Nancy.

“This is Nancy Clemet, and I think you know Shane already.” David manned the introductions.

Both Sam and Gray stepped forward and shook hands with Nancy. She looked like a tough chick, and she had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail, and she wore black dress pants and a black, three-button placket polo type shirt with Haggerty Security on it. She had a gun strapped to her shoulder just like the men had, and she had one under her pant leg, by her ankle. She only noticed it because she had an ankle holster for her gun and knew where to look for the telltale bulge.

“I’m pleased to meet you both,” Nancy replied.

David motioned them both over to the kitchen and prepped them for the day’s watch. They’d received updates on the way over by phone and Shane knew the security system at the house, so they reviewed that. Once they were briefed, David came into the living room where both Gray and Sam sat on the sofa working on their laptops.

“Tank and I are taking off, but we’ll be back in a few hours. You’re in good hands here, and the office knows to contact me if anything new happens. Sam, in just a few minutes, your security detail for today will be here. Do you have any questions before I go?”

“No, I don’t think so.” They both shook their heads.

“Thank you, David, for being here all night; we really appreciate it. You as well, Tank.”

Tank smiled at her and nodded—man of few words.

David said, “I’m happy to be able to help you and Gray out, Sam. But, he’ll be getting a huge bill when this is all over.”

David grinned, and Gray rolled his eyes. They shook hands, and David and Tank slipped out of the house. Shane reset the security system and settled in. He told them that every hour one of them would be walking the perimeter of the house to look for any disturbances. If Cheryl was out there or had been, she would leave something behind—garbage, footprints, something out of place, a mark on a fence, or broken flowers. It could be anything.

Gray’s phone rang.

“Hey, Dad, what’s up?” His face fell, and he quickly walked into the kitchen where Shane and Nancy were sitting.

“Hold on, Dad, I want to put you on speaker.”

He motioned for Sam to join them. Once they were all around the table, Gray set his phone down and put it on speaker.