Soon, his hands reached down and pulled her up onto the bed with him. She climbed on top of him and ran her hands over his body.

“I love you beyond reason, Grayson Kinkaide,” she said, breathlessly.

She kissed him very slowly, running her tongue around his mouth and licking his lips. She lifted herself up and reached between her legs, held his velvety erection and slowly slid herself down onto him.

He moaned loudly as she lowered herself, feeling every inch of movement. He closed his eyes enjoying the moment.

“Open your eyes and look at me, Gray. Let me watch you come.”

He opened his eyes and grinned at her. He put his hands around her waist and moved her move up and down, keeping it slow at first, but she urged him to go faster.

He chuckled at her. “Easy, baby. Take it slow, or it’ll be over too soon.”

She groaned, and the sound coming from her made his cock throb. They studied each other intently, lost in their pleasure, then he picked up the speed.

Her breathing was labored, and her voice was ragged. “I can’t wait anymore—you feel too good.”

He saw the look on her face—the strain of holding back as well as the pleasure seeping through. Her skin was flushed and dewy, and he enjoyed the feeling of bringing her to the edge.

“Let’s go, baby,” he whispered.

And together they rode out their orgasms, sliding together in a burst of pleasure as one. Exhausted, Sam laid herself on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her. They fell asleep wrapped up in each other with him still inside of her.


Two weeks later on a Sunday, Harry felt better and moved around more. His movements were still slow, but he was certainly improving. More than that, his mood was great. “I have a whole new outlook on life, and I’m going to make the most of the time I have left.” It seemed to cheer up the whole family.

As the Kinkaides ate dessert in the family room, Sam’s phone rang. She tapped her answer icon.

“Hi, Shelia.”

She stood and walked into the kitchen. Dani and Sarah were pouring drinks when she walked in, so she went to the far corner to speak with Shelia so she could hear her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks. How did the people like the house?”

“They liked it Sam; they liked it a lot. I brought them back last night. They had out-of-town family in who wanted to see it. It was last minute, and you weren’t around, so I just went in. I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to get in touch with you. I left a message, but I didn’t hear back.”

“I’m sorry, Shelia, I should have called you. Anyway, did they like it, again?”

Shelia chuckled. “They wrote an offer Sam, and it’s a good one. They’re offering you full price. There are some items in the house they would like to purchase from you, and they’re clean buyers; they have nothing to sell. When can we get together and discuss their offer?”

“How about a couple of hours? Will that work for you? Can you come to Gray’s or do you need me to go to the house?”

“Gray’s house is fine. In the meantime, should I pull some spec sheets on condos that are for sale right now?”

“Yes, please. I would like to take a look at those. I’ll see you in a couple of hours or three-ish. Thank you, Sheila.”

She walked back into the living room, and Dani spoke first. “Did you sell your house?”

She nodded. “Well, I have an offer—a good one—I’ll be meeting with Shelia in a couple of hours to review it with her. Is it okay with you, Gray, if we meet at your house?”

He nodded. “Of course, Sam. You know that.”

Sarah spoke next. “Now what?”

She looked at Sarah. “Shelia’s going to pull some spec sheets for me on some available condos and will bring them with her when she comes over to Gray’s.”

He took a deep breath and said, “Dammit. What the hell, Sam?”