I’m having a very hard time concentrating; you keep popping into my head.

Grayson Kinkaide

Sam laughed. That was positive.

From: Samantha Powell

To: Grayson Kinkaide

Date: April 10, 2013 10:52 a.m.

Subject: Wandering mind is a sign of old age

You’re not going to get your project done before tomorrow if you let your mind wander. We’ll have to wait for Friday!

Samantha Powell

Getting back to work, she flipped her document to the next page when her email chimed.

From: Grayson Kinkaide

To: Samantha Powell

Date: April 10, 2013 10:55 a.m.

Subject: When you’re right, you’re right

You’re right,of course, I can’t help it.

Grayson Kinkaide

She giggled. This was kind of nice.

From: Samantha Powell

To: Grayson Kinkaide

Date: April 10, 2013 11:05 a.m.

Subject: I’m right?

Well, I’ll remember that you said that. It may come in handy someday.

Samantha Powell

He didn’t respond right away, so she figured he needed to get his work finished, and so did she. She couldn’t help but look at the clock – often—and she couldn’t help the smile that seemed to appear on her face at the slightest thought of him. Her email chimed.

From: Grayson Kinkaide

To: Samantha Powell

Date: April 10, 2013 3:00 p.m.

Subject: Thursday is better than Friday

Imade some great headway on my project. Dinner is on for TOMORROW night, not Friday.

Grayson Kinkaide