Gray nodded his head. “I get that, but it’s still a shame. It’s a beautiful home.”

They continued talking, and when they’d finished their wine, Gray said, “I better get going … work tomorrow.”

He stood to leave, and Sam stood with him. She walked him to the door, and he turned to face her.

He reached down and put his hand on the side of her face and asked, “Will you have dinner with me again Thursday night? I have to finish a big project for a client this week, so I’ll be burning the midnight oil until then. But, I need to see you again.”

Heneededto see her again. Waiting two days was going to be torture. He wanted her in his bed right this damn minute. What an interesting turn of events today had been.

She smiled, and a thrill ran through him. She simply lit up the room—soft lips, perfect teeth, green eyes the color of spring grass. Stunning wouldn’t come close to an accurate word to describe her. “I would love to have dinner with you again.” Her soft voice wrapped itself around him and squeezed.

They gazed into each other’s eyes for several long moments. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek with the back of his fingers. She closed her eyes and tilted her head into his hand. The rasp that entered his voice couldn’t be helped, “I need to kiss you, Sam.”

He slowly touched his lips to hers, and the instant they connected it felt as if he were home. A fire swept through him like he’d never known. He stepped into her, and the instant his body was against hers, he swore he saw stars. The softness of her curves against him caused an inferno to rage within him. His body responded by trembling, his breathing coming in spurts, the immediate thickening of his cock caused the blood to rush from his head to the bulging in his pants, and he felt light-headed. Pulling his lips from hers was discomforting but necessary. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her body and his heart beat rapidly when he felt her arms wrap around his waist. Her head tucked comfortably against his chest; he closed his eyes and willed himself to gain control.

He slowly pulled away from her, wanting more than anything to stay. “I need to go, Sam. But, I’ll be thinking about Thursday and seeing you every moment until then.”

She smiled. “I will as well.”

He touched his forehead to hers and froze for a measure of time, letting his breathing regulate. Finally pulling away, he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

“I’ll see you Thursday night at seven.”

He stepped back and opened the door, and with a half-grin, he nodded and left.

Gray got into his vehicle and put the key in the ignition. His body still quivered, and his breathing staggered. He started his vehicle and slowly drove down the driveway. After he was a short distance from Sam’s, he pulled over to the side of the road and took a few deep breaths.

* * *

Sam turned out the lights after placing their wine glasses in the dishwasher. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and crawled into bed. Her phone chimed signaling a text. She grinned and pulled her phone to her, swiped the home screen and smiled when she saw a text from Gray.

Thank you for having dinner with me and the tour of your home. I’m looking forward to seeing you Thursday. Gray.

She hit reply and typed out a message.

Thank you for the lovely dinner and tour of Kinkaide designed buildings. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Looking forward to seeing you Thursday as well. Sam

She tapped send and snuggled into bed. As she drifted off to sleep, all she had on her mind was her first date in more than thirty years and the second one she would have on Thursday night.


Wednesday morning, Sam woke to the television, set to turn on to gently wake her. She lay there thinking about her date last night. She’d been dreading that date, feeling awkward and foolish and had thought many times about canceling. She was so glad she hadn’t backed out. He was easy to talk to, smart, accomplished, and he had a great sense of humor. She didn’t sense any arrogance from him, but shedidnotice that more than one woman had taken a second look. He didn’t seem to notice. She hadn’t asked him about his dating life since he divorced, but she believed it had to be easy for him. Just looking at the man made her do silly things.

How would she feel if he had a very active sex life? It wasn’t like he was hers, but the jealous response she felt in her stomach told her she had to get a grip. Anything he’d done before her was just that—before her—and you can’t blame a person for their past. But her self-confidence was non-existent.

Fortunately, she did have confidence in herself on the job. Sheknewshe did a good job, tried hard, applied herself, and was always looking for ways to improve things. She could give and take constructive criticism and wasn’t offended if someone offered an idea different from one she had. She liked the networking part of making a change and coming up with a better mousetrap, so to speak.

But in a relationship, she had never achieved that feeling of confidence in who she was or who she was to the person she was with. Tim never fostered that self-confidence in her, either. Ironic that she was the one who grew up and had three boys while her brother, the “valuable” child, grew up and had two girls. Sam chuckled thinking that was God’s little joke on her parents and she appreciated His sense of humor.

Sam rolled out of bed to start her morning ritual when she heard her phone chime announcing a text message. Feeling instantly giddy like an infatuated teenage girl, she grabbed her phone to see who it was. With a grin on her face, she swiped across her phone screen to read the text.

Good morning. I thought about you all night. Thursday seems like a decade away. If I didn’t have a large project due, I would want to see you tonight. Gray.

Sam giggled; she had thought about him too. She smiled at the attentiveness from a man who had suffered through such a terrible marriage. He was not only attentive, but he was interested in seeking a relationship. After being single for so many years, maybe he was ready for that now. She agreed with him—Thursdaydidseem like a decade away. She tapped out a message and hit send.

Sorry, Gray who?

Within a couple of minutes, her phone chimed again.