His upper torso is… impressive in a shirt, tie, and suit. Today his hair is fixed just so, swept to his left. His eyes are piercing even though the color is warm. His hands, now resting flat on the top of the table, are big, his thick long fingers perfect for…

Wait a minute. Did he just say he now owned the paper?

“As I said,” he begins, his voice strong and steady, pulling me out of my musings. His eyes are locked on me as each word leaves his lips. Lips I can almost imagine sucking on my skin. “I’ve recently purchased this paper. Though I know all of you have been working hard, it’s time for some changes.”

“How recently?”

I swivel my head from side to side. Did I just ask that? I must have, because everyone in the room is now staring at me.

Marty has a shocked expression; for once, I can’t tell what he’s thinking. Sally, our receptionist, who’s my go-to when I need a dinner companion, fears anything new and looks like she wants to cry. Evelyn and Macy, our two reporter-slash-journalists—because, let’s face it, it’s a small paper; they write community and passion pieces—appear as though they’re trying to decide if the new boss is single or not.

He is. Single. Never been married. No apparent love interest. That I can find.

But I’m not planning to share that tidbit.

“Last evening.” When I swing my head back, our gazes connect, and he is confident and cocky. Like he’s won.

Oh. Okay. It makes sense now. This is his way of getting back at me for the articles, especially that last one. I hurt his feelings.

His wears a serious expression. He maintains a polite yet firm demeanor as he takes control of the meeting. I find myself captivated by his poise. He knows nothing about us—I’m on to him—but he’s smart enough to not let on. He comes across as though he’s done his research. He utters all the right buzzwords but doesn’t say much. By the end of the meeting, he’s got everyone in the room—except me, of course—agreeing to prepare an outline of the projects they’re working on, schedule a follow-up meeting, and of course, his reason for being here: to cease and desist on all articles pertaining to him.

Not likely.

The other women, even Sally, practically throw themselves at his feet. Marty is a little more standoffish. After all, Liam Jacobs could fire him. He could fire all of us. That’s his typical approach. Not this time, though, I don’t think. This time, he wants something different.

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I appreciate it was a last-minute change to your schedules, and I hope I didn’t keep you from your families.” Liam concludes the meeting by looking at me. “Harper, I’d like you to stay a moment, please.”

I nearly choke on the muffin I just shoved into my mouth.

The others exchange glances, an air of anticipation in the room. But with one glance from Liam, they all jump to their feet and make a hasty exit, leaving us alone in the room. Thanks, guys.

Liam rises from his chair and walks around the table. He closes the conference room door.

I stand, needing to be on a similar level as him.

He steps close to me, too close.

I jut out my chin and try to remain calm.

Then he fixes his eyes on me, and his mouth curves into a deliciously wicked smile.

Dammit. I am so screwed. He may be sexy, my dream guy even, but this one will burn me and the town before he’s through.

“I’m sure you’re surprised by this announcement.”

I shake my head. “Nope, not really.” Like, I don’t know. Ha!

“I don’t take you for a fool, Harper. May I call you Harper?”

“Sure, you’re the boss.” Oh, crap. I want to slap my forehead. He’s my new boss.

Lucky for me, he doesn’t stick around. I’m sure he’ll sell us off as quickly as he purchased us.

“I don’t want any further stories written about me. I’m serious about that.”

“The people of this town need to be armed with the facts.”

“And what facts are those?”